Hello and Happy Monday my loves.
I know it's been a while...(sticks hand out for you to pop)! I've been a horrible blogger but I promise I've been doing productive things.
I've gotten my little man registered at yet another store and I've really been working on preparing for a stockpile yard sale that I will be participating in with my mother this weekend. I was also able to attend a Baby Expo at my local Convention center over the weekend and I learned a wealth of information so I'm really thankful for that.
I had mentioned in a
previous post that I had my blog business all planned out for the month of September. And, I DID. It's just that life happened and I got a little sidetracked but this is one of the many posts that I had planned for the month.
I've really been in the mood to create and do some DIY projects so today I'm sharing with you just that.
I saw this wonderful
DIY on
I Spy DIY a while ago and I thought it was soooo fun and creative.
Most importantly I knew it would be inexpensive and quick so it was right up my alley.
Over the years, I've really become a hoarder of all things-especially these jars which once held pickles, pasta sauce, etc.
I couldn't muster the strength to throw them away because I was convinced that there was something I could use them for.
So when I went into my bathroom and found this underneath my sink, I had the perfect idea.
Believe it or not, I'm not even a huge makeup wearer! But I do have a really weird obsession with purchasing lip glosses, lipsticks, lip butters, and the like. I don't know what it is but I can't seem to keep myself away from these things.
Anywho, I felt that this makeup situation was a little too unorganized and it needed a bit of taming. Besides, these flat bins took up too much of my space. So I came up with what I thought was the perfect idea for up cycling my old jars when I got this washi tape for free while couponing a couple of months ago.
I really loved the great colors that I found. The patterns together with the solid actually made for a great combination.
I put these together while watching an episode of Oprah's Lifeclass so it didn't take me long to finish at all.
I'm really digging how they turned out too.
And even after I filled all 5 of them up to the brim, I still had more makeup left. Needless to say, I will either be hosting another giveaway in the near future or attempting to sell what remains.
I'm thoroughly pleased that I was able to take some ordinary materials and create something unique and creative for little to no cost out of pocket. Now I'm scrambling around my house trying to see what other items I can use to craft with.
What types of things do you like to up cycle around your home?
I can't wait to hear from you.
Thanks for being such faithful readers.