When I first began blogging, I noticed that I bookmarked everything as a favorite and followed everybody-maybe because I liked someone's outfit or they made a cute craft. Now, as I go through my favorites 7 months later, alot of things have been deleted. I now focus on content and would much rather follow those who share the same passion of thriftiness with me. Those who have a knack for being frugal and can turn one man's junk into their own personal treasures. I admire those who always have something great to talk about (rather than just rambling on about where their 'fit is from), those who are personable, and definitely, absolutely, positively those who communicate and collaborate with their readers.
Katy from ModlyChic wants to talk about labels today for FBFF. So I am fine with divulging that I'm a thrifty chic. Cheap-nah, frugal-hells to the yeah. But never a tightwad because I love giving to good causes. I wear that label, comfortably so. I love shopping for less and seeing the quantity of things that can be purchased for minimal dollars. Being thrifty is a way of life for me because I've never had access to an overwhelmingly large income. I've always had to make do with the little that I do have. Don't get it twisted though-one would think that I was extremely well off, in fact lots of my friends think that I'm really wealthy, but not by a long shot-I just like really nice things and have strategically learned how and when to shop for them at the lowest prices.
Tank-Donated/Maxi-NY&Co/Vest-WetSeal/Belt&Wedges-Thrifted |
I wholeheartedly believe in taking advantage of the things that you have-make those things yours by adding your own flair. For instance-this makeshift colorblocked maxi (my version of today's BDIB-maxi edition) dress was created from a super long (redline clearance) maxi skirt and a (trashed) NY&Co nightie (yes, I said trashed because my auntie had this baby in a bag full of stuff to give away and I gladly accepted it) Cinch a thrifted belt at the waist and voila!
I'm participating in an all new 21 Day Challenge hosted by Kayla from FrecklesInApril. In this challenge, Kayla will give a daily outfit prompt that we must follow. We will blog about each prompt and that will earn us a specific number of points towards some kick ass prizes. The first prompt was to pick one item and remix it 3 times over the course of the challenge so I picked this cutesy denim vest that you see pictured above. You can learn more about the challenge here.
I'm participating in an all new 21 Day Challenge hosted by Kayla from FrecklesInApril. In this challenge, Kayla will give a daily outfit prompt that we must follow. We will blog about each prompt and that will earn us a specific number of points towards some kick ass prizes. The first prompt was to pick one item and remix it 3 times over the course of the challenge so I picked this cutesy denim vest that you see pictured above. You can learn more about the challenge here.
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21 Day Challenge-Day 1 |
Thrifted Belt |
I'm encouraged to label myself as this 'type'of 'thrifty blogger' because it's real. That's who I am. No need to create a blog and fabricate me (although some of us do live double lives). In blog and in person, I'm super frugalicious! My mom is always amazed by the amounts of money that I save. My babe has even caught on so now when we go out he always asks me if I have a coupon for anything in particular. Ohhhh and he loooves sending me on grocery shopping missions because he knows that we can eat for weeks off of 20 beans! In fact there are very few things that I will spend lots of money on-I turn my back on full priced-ness!
I will spend lots of my time on things though. On things like reading blogs. I get lots of inspiration from you gals. I get super excited when I find new lovelies to stalk and follow-especially when I find out that they value thriftiness as much as I do. I like being able to relate. Like my buddy Shana at ColorBlind-I'm in love and probably a little too obsessed with her blog, her style, and just her as a person even though I've never ever met her. I feel like I've known her for years because she expresses so much of her personality through this tiny little computer screen. So yeah, that's a good example of something I like to read. I do however, scour some not so relatable blogs-if only to look at their overly expensive outfits and great pics-but rarely do I comment or visit them everyday. All of their comments consist of various ways to say 'your outfit is fly' so why would I add to the monotony? Hell I'm almost certain that they won't return the visit anyway!!! Besides, my whole outfit only cost only a fraction of what they paid for their pinky toenail polish so what could they possibly have to say to me. Like really, who am I kidding!?
Do I find any benefits in labeling myself? Well I attract more people whom are interested in frugality. Great minds think alike and can appreciate that I recklessly swerve in my car when I see a trashed treasure on the side of the street, that I force people into letting me check out their junk before it becomes trash, or even that a majority of my closet is thrifted. And just because I use the terms trash, junk, and/or thrifted that doesn't mean that my things look grungy. See:
Thrifted Wedges |
Sometimes labels can ring true, sometimes not! When people first meet me they think I'm a bit of a snob. And I agree. I'm a diva upon first encounter. Many people even think I'm a bitch when they initially meet me. Again, I agree. I'm short, blunt, and standoffish-until you get to really know the real me. The witty, down to earth thrifter who just wants to make you laugh and shower you with bear hugs and compliments. I agree that we don't need labels but it's the way of the world. It's just like a stereotype-oftentimes they are placed on us by others who in fact have not a clue the type of person we really are. I say the only way to really get to know a person is to live with them. You will 9 times out of 10 be surprised by who a person really is.
What about you, what type of person have you been labeled as-by yourself and/or others?
Wanna know how some of your other blogger friends feel about labeling-visit FBFF. Or maybe you need some new inspiration so that you can rock your new maxi in style. Go to PrettyShinySparklys BDIB page.
Post Title From: The Way I Are by Timbaland
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Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. You're right, being a nerd is a good thing - now! :) Love your post. It is nice to read about real people who can't (or won't) spend $350 on a pair of shoes! Also, love the gorgeous hot pink with the rosy beige of your top. So pretty!
ReplyDeleteThank You! It was actually 'thrown' together in a bit of a hurry!
Thrifty and shameless, right?!?! There's absolutely nothing wrong with that and a whole lot right with it. =) I'm all about scoring a bargain and then being so excited about it, that it seems like I'm bragging. lol But I'm not! I just want everyone to know how cheap I got something for. Haha!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE that color blocked maxi! That belt makes your waist look tiny!
cute skirt :)
Oh wow...that was a mouthful. But I can relate to alot of what you said. I too am very new to the blogging world. Like you I stalk blogs and have my favorites. But I agree with you on finding ones that you share a common interest with. And that is what I love the most...is being able to be inspired by such "frugally" fashionable women!!
ReplyDeleteChecking out BDIB looks and I stumbled upon your blog. I agree with about labels being a part of this world. As long as labels don't try to make me an identity, I'm cool. Love the purple maxi and I think you made a cute ensemble with the cropped jacket. This time BDIB bloggers aren't playing, they're serious delivering stylish/creative looks.
ReplyDeleteLove the way you combined your thoughts on today's FBFF post and the BDIB challenge. I totally understand niche blogging and agree it can be beneficial to finding fellow like minded thrifters! - Katy
ReplyDeleteThat skirt is sooo fabulous! I love the color!
i would love to have a maxi in that color. it's so pretty. and it pairs well with the neutral tank.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE those pinks together, they look great!
ReplyDeleteIf you can find great items discounted then good for you (and share your secrets!) Nothing wrong with having great taste :)
ReplyDeleteI love your look! and you're right, things change we evolve!
ReplyDeleteI really love sharing my inexpensive finds and I started this blog to encourage others to do the same. There are some really nice designer items out there but that doesn't mean you have to spend your whole paycheck just to be fly!!!'
ReplyDeletePS..I wish my waist were as tiny as it appears on screen!
Thanks for reading ma'am!
Wow! I'm gonna have to look into ideeli...sound like a super cool site with lots of great deals. Thank for the recommendation!
There is not a better feeling than going to a yard sale or thrift store and finding something fab that someone thought was trash! The world would be a whole lot "greener" if more people were thrift divas! I never buy something that isn't on sale! I love sample sale sites like ideeli.com, I can get five times as much stuff as I would if I had to get just one of the shirts from the same label's online store. Ideeli.com was having a huge sale on "French Connection" clothing and just to make sure Ideeli.com was selling "In Season" stuff from "French Collection" I went to their website...and sure enough the exact same pieces selling on Ideeli.com were, literally, hundreds of dollars more on the "French Connection" site. And all of the clothes on ideeli.com were "In Season" and NOT just on sale because "French Connection" wanted to get rid of last season's styles...although, I wish ideeli.com would sell "Out of Season" clothes because they would be even cheaper than the prices of the already low "In Season" prices! My friends can't believe how many designer outfits I own...little do they know I got all of them from sample sales' sites! BTW, congrats on being in "Links a La Mode" for this blog post! It's awesome! Have a fab day! XOXO, Kathryn Elizabeth
I am with you. I quickly lose interest in bloggers who buy all of their swag full price. It isn't relateable to me nor really interesting - I look for something different from bloggers than I do from Vogue.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing I hate more than constanly seeing flyness that I can't afford. I don't even look twice at the Vouge magazine!
I share everything I do in terms of shopping on the blog. Nothing special though-I just live thrifting!
Thank You ma'am!
Yes I have gotten so much inspiration from you gals. I've gained a new respect for thrifting and also a whole new perspective of how to save lots of money! You all are great!!!
Well thanks for stopping by. I hope that you will continue to visit as I try to keep it as real as real can get! I love BDIB-I've met some awesome ladies.
There's nothing better than finding people who share the same interests..it inspires me so much!
Girl even if I were wealthy I wouldn't spend that much. What's the point? That's not being cheap, it's being sensible in my eyes!
I got it from NY & Co a couple of seasons ago. Love the color but it's pretty hard to style honestly!
Thanks Meagan!
I love a good deal and consider myself a 'treasure hunter' when it comes to shopping.
ReplyDeleteOh, I love how you styled that maxi! It looks really put together!
ReplyDeleteYou are too cute and you sound just like me!! LOVES IT!!!
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THIS!!!!!!!!!! The color of that maxi is to die for and I love how you paired it with that denim vest. YES HUNNY!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThrifting is just like that! I always find a treasure!!
So true. I, too, have way too many blogs on my blogroll that are there for the same reason. I'm also very frugal. I love to find quality pieces for a fraction of the cost and have been thrifting for years(way longer than its been popular). Wearing secondhand clothing has never bothered me. Even though I'm the oldest, I've worn hand-me-downs from neighbors my whole life. I love getting a bargain on things. I don't understand why anyone thinks differently. Excellent post.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, LOVE this outfit.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm with you..I am physically unable to pay full price for anything. It killlls meeee.
Especially when there's no need to. I still haven't figured out why stores mark their retail prices up so high. To me, it's pointless because after 3 weeks those same items get marked down by at least 75%!!
Bargain should've been my middle name. Thanks for stopping by!