
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Feel The Awesomeness...

Do you remember to use your manners by always saying 'Please' and 'Thank You'?
Do you remember to tip your server at least 15% when you go out to eat? Or are you one of those people who don't believe in tipping?
Do you open doors for elderly people with a smile? Or do you ferociously scurry behind them wishing that they would hurry the hell up?
Do you give back to your community by volunteering and donating?
Do you give great hugs? Not the kind where your butt sticks out and you randomly pat the hugee on the back like you are afraid of catching whatever they may be diseased with. I'm talking about the super tight hugs that have the capability of suffocating if held for too long.
Do you call/text/email your friends when you think of random moments that you've shared together?
Do you think your Mother is the greatest lady in the world? Would you try and f-^k someone up for messing with her, even if you knoooowww that you have a 99.9% chance of losing?
Do you tell you significant other how much you appreciate their presence in your life, despite the fact that he/she gets on the last little bit of nerve that you have left?
Do you compliment people when you think they look fly?
Do you comment back to people who have visited you and said nice things to you?

Do you want to be featured on my blog? Now that, would be awesome. I'm currently searching for fun, creative, and thrifty bloggers to feature in the near future. You can view my most recent features
Shoot me a personal email at and we can set something up.

Romper-c/o Auntie...PeepToes-c/o MissCharm...Belt-from a Thrifted dress

Linked Up to:

Post Title from: I'm Awesome by Spose

Monday, June 27, 2011

Savin' Maven Monday: You Don't Even Know Me...But You Wanna Take Me Shopping (feature)

Good Monday to all...

In today's segment of Savin' Maven Monday, I'm going to switch things up a bit. I hope y'all don't mind.

As you all should know by now, I loooovve to shop. Even more than that, I love finding great deals and bargains. Everyone has their own set of rules and guidelines that they adhere to when shopping but every now and again, it's cool and exciting to explore the shopping habits of other frugalistas.

Some ladies like to get the newest items, hot off the press, and don't mind paying full price for them. Kudos to you diva, because I don't do full price, honey! 

Mmmmkayyy *snaps fingers in a roundabout motion*

 Some of us like to use coupons everywhere we go, some of us hate the hassle of clipping coupons and would rather just shop clearance racks; hell, some of us hate shopping in stores all together and would rather find deals online through Ebay or Craigslist. Some like to shop at home while others prefer taking bus trips to Chinatown to find the latest swag. We all have our own little quirks...and I can appreciate that.  That's what makes us all unique, right?

Soooo, since the store and coupon deals have been a little sucky as of late and my store purchases have been slim to none, I would like to share with you some general shopping pointers and tips...brought to you by the very awesome Lauren from HappyLifeInNYC.

Everyone, say hello to Lauren!
I am so honored to be guest posting for Miss Rockwell today! I absolutely love her blog (I did not compensate her to say this okay). While my methods for saving money are still a work in progress, I thought I’d share some of my tips with you. Enjoy!

Create a plan of attack by keeping a watchful eye on your prize. Whenever I decide that I want something (a new summer dress, a pair of nude pumps, etc.), I always survey stores online before going anywhere. I try to get a feel for what’s out there, how much it costs, and the quality. That helps me make a plan before I go to any stores. I might veer off my original plan once I get there, but if I spend more than I originally planned then it will be because it was worth it for that particular item (i.e. I wasn’t going to find it cheaper and/or better quality anywhere else).

Gilt Groupe

Loiter.... and shamelessly hover around inexpensive online shops. Gilt Groupe, Rue LaLa, and Shopmail are my go to websites. Shopmail is the best – you fill your favorite brands and designers, give them your sizes, and then everyday they send you an email with the items on sale from various stores that fit your criteria. They survey the Internet to find deals and then all you have to do is open one email!

Figure out what you love...obsess and stalk.  I’m obsessed with Forever 21. The store is super overwhelming (for me anyway), but I try to go during the day when it’s empty. If I don’t have the time then I just order things online and hope for the best!


Ain't nothing wrong with a little Jungle Fever. I always mix and match expensive pieces with cheap ones. I spend more on jeans and purses because they make an outfit look so much more expensive, even when mixed with cheap t-shirts and flip flops.

By ALL means...CHEAT! Keep an alternate on the side...just in case! I have a couple of other secret websites up my sleeve. They’re kind of embarrassing and they are definitely hit or miss. Some of my favorites are Lulus, Charlotte Russe, and Modcloth.

Vintage Virgin Romper

Tell me...where do you love to shop?
And what's your secret for saving money while shopping?
 (sharing is caring)

Post Title from: Turning Me On by Keri Hilson feat. Lil Wayne

Saturday, June 25, 2011

FBFF: You, You Make Me Better

I'm a movement by myself. But there are a number things that I find inspiration in.

Why do we need inspiration to just...well, be ourselves? For me, that answer can be stated without reservation, contemplation, or even so much as a second guess. My inspirations are the very things that urge me to push the envelope and take things to the next level. It could be as simple as a homeless person asking me for some spare change that has inspired me to sponsor my very own food drive each year during the holidays. Or it could be as complex as my best friend and I conversing about our love of thrifting which inspired me to create this very blog 6 months ago.

Up until 6 months ago, I was a generally a very reserved, super private type of person.

Blogging has definitely changed all of that.

Over the past 6 months, I've evolved-not only fashionably but also personally. I've learned to  better appreciate the opinions and  tastes of others. I've taken more chances with fashion and I've definitely shopped more than I've ever shopped in my ENTIRE existence. 

Let's discuss this more with a few question from Katy of ModlyChic (you can link up to her page to see what everyone else thinks too).

Since you began blogging do you notice a change in the types of things you gravitate towards while shopping? Definitely so. I now lean more towards thrifted, inexpensive items. Vintage pieces that won't ever be seen worn by anyone else. Pieces that can be easily remixed and layered. Pieces that are gorgeous enough for me to keep for a while but inexpensive enough for me to be fine parting with.

**FUN FACT #1: I never knew much about thrifting until I first began reading blogs. Now it's a never ending obsessive hobby of mine.

Do you find, as a fashion blogger, that you dress differently from your family and friends? Do they comment on that? I've always dressed differently from my family and friends. Most of my family is very conservative and particular. Blues with blues, reds with reds, so on and so forth. I'm the edgy one, the one who rebels against all fashion rules, the one who mixes patterns, and never matches my colors.

**FUN FACT #2: My friends like to shop my closet when we go out but I secretly hate lending my things out. (It's no longer a secret now, is it?)

What’s the weirdest fashion that you secretly like, even if you aren’t bold enough to wear it? Pink, coral, red. BRIGHT LIPS. I'm black. My lips are full. I don't want to look like a clown. That's all!

**FUN FACT #3: Part of the reason I don't do red lips is because my beau hates it! Does it even matter what he likes!?

Looking at current trends – what would you like to try but need to build up the courage to do? Socks...With sandals. I just purchased some black sparkly anklets from Gap and I'm sure that they will sit in my closet for the all of 8 more months before I get the courage to pull them out.


**FUN FACT #4: I still subconsciously care what people think of me when they see me? Do you?

Toot someone’s horn – which fashion blogger out there inspires you with her bold fashion choices? I absolutely love IAmKhatu. She's AH-DOOR-AH-BAL...and FLYYYY!!!

(all images from IAmKhatu)

FUN FACT #5-The very first blogs I read were KarlasCloset and TheDaybook

What does inspiration mean to you and from where do you gain yours?

Post Title from: Make Me Better by Fabolous ft. NeYo

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Awkward and Awesome: Sequins and Pearls and Lots of Pretty Girls...


-So I was thrifting the other day and I picked up an AWESOME vintage sequined shirt. I have no idea what I will wear it with but it immediately caught my eye so I put it in my basket. I went to the mirror to try on my picks and I noticed this lady eyeing my sequins. She walked by at least 3 times. On the fourth time she walked by and commented about how gorgeous it was. I politely smiled and kept it moving. On the fifth time she walked by, she actually picked my sequins up, asked what size it was, and had the audacity to ask me if I was gonna buy it. Ummm, hell yeah I'm buying it-get your paws off lady!! And even if I was previously undecided about buying it before you came along, I'm definitely buying it now-just because you're on my nerves. Uggghhhh!

-The beau and I have turned into the modern day Siskel and Ebert. We are avid kiosk-ers. We rent at least one movie a week and our 'thing' is to give it a rating and discuss it after we've watched it. I know, I know, we're total nerds. But that's why I love him-because his nerdiness matches mine!
Movie of the Week: The Dilemma/Our Rating: B

-Sleeping in and spending the day with the beau-doing absolutely nothing!

-I love finding new cuties to follow and read about and I would love for you to step into my world-if only for just one day. I'm looking for two creative, frugal, thrifty and shameless bloggers to feature for the month of August. You can post about a topic of your choice so long as it pertains to being thrifty. I know it's early but just wanted to put the word out there. Shoot me an email at

-This super fantastic article I found about getting started with organizing your closet space:

My closet needs a MAJOR redo and I need your help. If you have any tips, please share. I'm also asking that you post your organized closet pics on my FB page. This is a dire emergency people. My closet is beginning to look like a mini boutique.

-Oh yeah...speaking of my FB page---LIKE ME by CLICKING HERE!!

-Michelle Obama-she's THEE greatest First Lady-ever!

-I've finally started using the 'share' button. You know the one at the bottom of everyone's post that lets you share your favorite reads on your Twitter and FB pages? Yeah, that one. Well, I've finally gotten wind of it and I've been 'sharing' like crazy. This way all of my friends who don't read the same blogs as me can now partake in some of the awesomeness that I read each day.

-New peeps I'm following: EFBGirls, ByAnika, and VerySmartBrothas. GREATNESS!!

-Do you know any troops who are deployed right now? Even if not, I have a fun, easy, and FREE way for you to express your appreciation for them on Independence Day. TinyPrints is sponsoring this sweet deal-all you have to do is go to their Facebook page and 'Like' them for details about exactly where to send your card.  I've already ordered mine. Will you order one?

How has your week been? Share some of your Awkward and Awesome moments with me...

Post Title from: Music and Lights by Imagination

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

WOTS: I Got Something Better Than School But Don't Tell Anybody....

I want this...


I've been thinking....

What does it mean to have a college degree?

"She doesn't have a degree...not interested"
Does it make you more or less intelligent than the next person?

" additional $3,800 with a Master's degree" 
Does that one little piece of paper entitle you to a better salary?

"...let's give her the job because she has the education"
Does it give you a better advantage over a qualified applicant who has never stepped foot on a college campus?

Does it mean that you are guaranteed to get the job of your dreams?
Does it signify your status in the she's better than you because she has a degree and you don't?
Will having a degree merit you a better significant other and if your 'other' doesn't have one does it make him/her less of a good catch?

How many of you have a degree?
How many of you are working in your field of study?
Does it make you angry that some people who don't have a degree earn more than you?

These are all things that have gone through my mind these last couple of days as the graduation season has come and gone.

What does all of this mean to you?

On a lighter note, here's what I wore to my sister's graduation reception:
Skirt-Thrifted/Shirt-NY & Co/Shoes-Nine West
I couldn't wait to wear this Liz Claiborne skirt. It's my favorite shade of red and it has a tiny white rose like pattern on it. My Mother said that I should've worn a white shirt with the skirt but I hate being too 'matchy' so I threw on a powder blue sleeveless 'Madison' shirt that I got from a NY & Co. clearance rack. To give the 'fit a little more zest I added gold sandals and neutral colored accessories.

Necklace-NY & Co

How would you rock a red skirt?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Savin' Maven Monday: If I Was an Indian, I'd Still be the Chief...

Well...I'm late as all hell writing this Savin' Maven Monday post but I've been super busy!

I didn't do much shopping last week because the deals were slim but this is what I ended up with from Rite Aid:

Savin' Maven (Rite Aid)
More makeup and lots of gum to keep my breath fresh! The CoverGirl lipsticks were B1G1 50% off with a $5 Register Reward (RR) given back when you purchased $20 worth. I had two ($5 off 2) coupons so I got all 4 lipsticks for $10 which is a great deal considering that these things are regularly priced at $7.50 a pop. The gum was B1G1 FREE and I had store coupons and manufacturer's coupons that I stacked to make them almost free. The mascara was 75% off and after my coupon I paid all of 19 cents for it! I also got a $1 RR for purchasing the Crest mouthwash.

My total on this trip was $50.58
My total out of pocket was $5.03
For a total savings of $45.55 (90% savings)

What kind of great deals have you found lately?

Before you go I would like to share with you

Couponing tip #4

Stock up on Coupons.

Last week I shared a number of places in which you may get coupons-newspaper subscriptions, family and friends, and even online. While many of us are old fashioned and would prefer to do our shopping 'on site', most of us have fallen in love with the convenience of online shopping and being able to make purchases in the comfort of our own homes. Just as there are thousands of available coupons to be used on in store purchases, there may be twice as many coupons available for online shopping. One of my favorite online sites to get coupons from is CouponChief.  This is a digital couponing site that offers promotional and discount codes for some of the greatest and most popular stores around. Here's how it works: When you have decided on the exact online store you would like to purchase from, visit CouponChief and use their search box to type in your store of interest. Once you find your store name, browse the coupons that may be used at your preferred store and copy the coupon code for the specific coupon that you want. This code will be pasted into the 'promotional code' box that will appear on the checkout page of your purchase. Once the code is entered, click on the 'apply' button and you should be able to see your savings instantly. Click here for full details and instructions.

My absolute favorite part about this site is the convenience of not having to use ink to print the coupons out. You will never guess just how many coupons I print each week so I'm always jumping at the chance to use online codes and save ink. Another one of my favorite features of CouponChief is that you have the ability to post new coupons and even share them with friends through email. If you're really serious about your couponing, you can even create a profile and have it set up so that you will receive an email alert each time that a coupon code for your favorite store is posted. Also, you can sign up for their Pays2Share program which pays you money each time someone uses a coupon code that you posted. I'm all signed up...are you?

-SIDENOTE-Bath and Body works started their semi annual sale on June 10. For all of you who like to stock up on smell goods, you need to hurry in...

Click here to print a coupon for a FREE travel sized item (can be used with ANY purchase).

Thanks for reading.

 Post Title from Chief Rocka by Lords of the Underground

Linked up to:

Wednesday Weekly Shopping

Friday, June 17, 2011

BDIB: Neon, Neon..Who Knows How Long She Can Go...


It's been a long week.

I shared my HUGE savings with you while out shopping, I did my VERY FIRST BLOGGER FEATURE with Shana from ColorBlind, I even shared with you all how overwhelming blogging can sometimes be. Today, I dived into the world of cooking and shared one of my favorite recipes and now it's time for my favorite part.

NEONS AND NEUTRALS-the latest installment of Kristina's Bloggers Do It Better segment.

Shoes-Thrifted/Everything Else-Target
I'm usually not stumped when it comes to conjuring up a stunning 'fit, but this time, I will admit, she got me!

Don't I look stumped!?

What's your advice for rocking NEONS with NEUTRALS?

Visit PrettyShinySparkly to see how all of my other bloggirlfriends are rocking theirs.

Post Title from: Neon by John Mayer

FBFF: I Wanted to Make Something Sweet...

If you've read my 'Bout My Blog' page, then you would know that Fridays are totally RANDOM.

With that being said, I'm doing something different today. Katy from ModlyChic suggested that we share one of our favorite recipes for this week's entry in FBFF.

I'm goin' in....

I love food.

Wait, lemee get this straight. I love well prepared food.

My grandmother makes thee best homemade Sweet Potato Pies-they are soooo good that my aunt and uncles fight over them during Christmas. Mom is a beast in the kitchen-she makes the greatest beef stew when it's cold out. My Auntie makes a banana pudding that is to die for, you hear me! Annnd my Sisah makes some mean fried chicken-she's the designated 'chicken bringer' when the family has holiday potlucks.

That only means one thing.....

You guessed it! I, too, am a mastermind in the kitchen. I like take traditional dishes like spaghetti and add my own flair. I like to marinate my meats with impromptu creations-a dash of Apple Pucker Liqueur here and freshly squeezed orange juice there.

Over the years, I've taken notice that I'm a 'sweet' cook. And I'm not tooting my own horn, it's true.

I like to add sugar, flavored juices, and vanilla extract to any and everything.  

I especially like different kinds of desserts and delectables. It's a wonder how I'm so slim considering how many sweets I eat.

My favorite recipe of all times was introduced to me by my Auntie (yes, the one who makes the banana pudding) by way of Paula Deen (I guess she has a thing for sweets too).

Introducing....dundundadah ----> DRUMROLL

The Gooey Butter Cake.


It tastes like heaven. It's really sweet and extremely rich so please pace yourself.

Above all else, it's the most inexpensive and conveniently accessible dessert you can think of.  It fits perfectly with the mission of my blog-to be THRIFTY!

GENERAL HEALTH WARNING: If you are trying to adhere to a diet-DO NOT-I repeat-DO NOT try this at home!! There are at least 1,000 calories in one serving!

Here's what you need:

1 18 1/4-ounce package yellow cake mix (for some fun variation, you may use any flavor cake mix you like-Mmmm strawberry)
1 egg
8 tablespoons butter, melted
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
8 tablespoons butter, melted
1 16-ounce box powdered sugar

Here's what you do:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Combine the cake mix, egg, and butter and mix well with an electric mixer.  Pat the mixture into the bottom of a lightly greased 13 by 9-inch baking pan.
In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth.  Add the eggs, vanilla, and butter and beat together. 
Next, add the powdered sugar and mix well.  Spread over cake batter and bake for 40 to 50 minutes.  Make sure not to over bake as the center should be a little gooey.

Servings: 6 to 8 servings
Prep Time: 30 min
Cook Time: 40 min
Difficulty: Easy


I can't wait to link up to FBFF and see what everyone else is making!

Post Title from: Make Something Good by Laura Viers

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Awkward and Awesome: I Just Wanna Say..I Haven't Been Away..I'm Still Right Here...


-The number of times I've thought about shutting my blog down and calling it quits!

-The overwhelming feeling I get from trying to write content that everyone will enjoy.

-Comparing the number of followers I have with that of others who just started blogging-like yesterday! It's discouraging.

-It's almost my Bday and I don't have anything planned yet! Gurrrllll, get it together!

-The fact that Kristina from PrettyShinySparkly is hosting the Neon/Neutral edition of BloggersDoItBetter and I don't have an outfit picked out!

-I didn't participate in the lace craze on EverybodyEverywear on Tuesday. I'm feeling so out of the loop.

-I haven't done an outfit post in FOREVER!


-I did my VERY FIRST FEATURE on my blog yesterday. Read all about my thrifting soul mate Shana of ColorBlind by clicking here.

-BTW-I'm looking for more fun, thrifty, creative bloggers to feature for my 'Word on the Street Wednesday' segment. Shoot me a personal email to if you're interested!

-My sister received her Master's Degree yesterday. YAY!! I'm next!!

-It's cookout season. I loooovvee to eat! This is my favorite time of the year because I don't have to worry about cooking a lot. I just get to go plates at each cookout that I attend and I make it work for me!

-Me and the BF are having date night on Friday. Dinner and a movie. We really want to see Bad Teacher but it doesn't come out until next weekend so we are gonna see The Hangover 2. Uggh! We really enjoyed the first one but I've heard mixed reviews about this one. Has anyone seen it and if so please divulge your opinion....PLEASE! Other movie suggestions are also welcome.

Share something Awkward and Awesome with me...PLEASE!!!

Post Title from: The Loop by Morrissey

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

WOTS: The Lady of the Hour Spent a Little Time with ME!! (FEATURE)

I want this....

A wonderful blogger to feature

One who's thrifty like me. Someone who's conscious of their spending habits-shameless enough to do her regular shopping at the local thrift stores and ingenuious enough to know how to rock a $5 dress like it came straight from Dolce & Gabbana. 

I've been blogging now for a little over 6 months-still a baby-and I've developed quite a few reputable relationships. One of which sticks out as my favorite though. When I first read her blog, I was immediately hooked! All of her outfits were amazing to me-the fact that most of her wardrobe was thrifted was even more than amazing. She was funny annnnddd gorgeous!

So, I did what any other infatuated person would do. I followed, I stalked, I commented and commented and commented.

By now you're waiting for me to tell you who she is, right?

Of course you are!

Her name is Shana and she is the mastermind behind ColorBlind annnnndddd she's my very FIRST feature-EVER!

Shana in a thrifted Vintage dress
Everyone say 'Hi, Shana'.


Since her blog is centered around her thrifting experiences and how she's evolved in life as well as fashion, I wanted to take a delve into her life as a 'seasoned thrifter'.  

Here's our 'view:

Miss Rockwell (MR): When did you begin thrifting and what inspired you to start?
Shana (S): I can remember going to the Salvation Army when I was about 6 or 7. We used to get to pick out one game and one of those small bags of toys. We would spend hours choosing our favorite…I always looked for small tea cups and dolls. My favorite outfit was this velvet jacket and lace dress my mom got me at The Salvation Army. As I grew older I remember being embarrassed to be seen in a thrift store, wishing I could have BRAND NEW items. It’s funny how life turns out...I rarely spend more than $50 on anything these days…and there are few things I will buy new…the obvious of course. My inspiration has definitely come from my mom, my dad, and even my grandma (nana).

She began thrifting early!
MR: Many people believe that thrifting is only for those on an extremely tight budget and that wearing secondhand clothing is gross. How do you debunk those myths?
S: Well, I obviously don’t believe that…when it comes to tight budgets I often say I just want more for my money. So realistically speaking I am spending the same amount but getting more. So if someone spent $50 at the mall on a cute pair of shorts, I could say I got a skirt, a top, a cute pair of shoes, a bag, and a dress for the same price. I have a few friends who have a hard time with second hand Anything…so look for stores like Savers or Value Village who wash and dry all clothing that come in. The store is super clean, color coordinated and is always in great shape. While I love Goodwill and Salvation Army, you may not always find that everything is fresh and clean. Some of my favorite “Thrift non-thrift” stores are Marshalls, TJ Maxx and Ross. People hear thrift and think dirty, I think “NOT FULL PRICE.”

MR: Thrifting is an obsessive hobby. How do you discipline yourself with regard to spending limits?
S: Well that is a tough one. I wouldn't’t say I have discipline which is why I started Thrifters Anonymous  Link (
 I think the key to disciplining yourself is really setting a budget and sticking to it no matter how amazing everything is. Grab what you love, weed through what you need, ALWAYS hold on to vintage pieces…those will never be there oh and shoes…if they have your size and you love them, make them a priority I have learned my lesson on that one. Or maybe it is because I have ginormous feet ;O(

Pants, Blouse, Necklace-Thrifted
 MR: On average, how often do you go thrifting?
S: I find myself going about twice a month. I went a little crazy recently, going every weekend, when I really started to let go of all the rules and boundaries I had set for myself…

MR: You have soooo many gorgeous items. Lots of people get rid of one item for every new item that they purchase. How do you decide what to donate versus what you hold on to? Is there a regular rotation?
S: I hated this idea when I first heard of it, but I ended up going with it and gave it my own twist. When I buy a new item like a black pencil skirt for instance, I go into my closet and get rid of any black pencil skirts or black tight skirts that I have been holding on to because maybe I only had one or that don’t fit (big or small). I now have an amazing black pencil skirt that I know fits and that I know I love. That was a hard one for me but my new saying is… “IF IT DON’T FIT, GET RID OF IT!” hehe I know ladies it’s hard…unless you seriously know you can fit into it if you do a couple of lunges and only eat salad for 3 days, you can keep it ;O)
So here is what I do when I can’t decide:
1.     Choose a section in your closet  i.e. dresses, skirts, shirts.
2.     Go through and pick out the items you love and are not willing to part with and put them to the side.
3.     Take the items you didn't choose and move them to the other side.
4.     Wear all of these items you didn't choose as a favorite for the next month or two, taking pics and asking friends opinions.
5.     And Voila! You quickly realize that some of them are either not inspiring anymore, don’t fit you like you want, or you are just over it.
6.     Donate to your best friend to bring new life to the item, donate to your local Savers (to get a 20% coupon, or your favorite charity!

Skirt,Top, and Vintage Dooney and Bourke-Thrifted

MR: What are some of your tips for those who want to venture out into the world of thrifting?
S: Well, thrifting can be overwhelming because you really are thrown into a hundred years of styles, sizes, and colors, if you are going to a TRUE thrift store.

So here are the top 5 things I do before I go and when I am there:1. I grab some magazines and start tearing out anything that inspires me, colors, styles, or even people (stars) and I take them with me! (You will be surprised how your eye magically goes to all of the items you chose! I write down a list of the items I definitely want to find i.e. jean shirt, yellow skirt, lace dress and give yourself a budget ($30 is what I usually say)
2. I wear comfy clothes.. gym clothes are the best and flip flops Or something with some color, when you try things on sometimes you get the best combos and ideas from what you are already wearing!
3. Either wear a belt, or grab some belts, even if you don't want to buy any. They can make any dress, skirt, or top look amazing and really help you decide if it is a piece that will work.
4. I TRY ON EVERYTHING over my clothes in front of a mirror, honestly I just hate being in the dressing rooms and I feel like I can talk with photographer extraordinaire about the find.
5. And that brings me to the last and most important thing I do, I NEVER go alone. I mean the best part about shopping is being with someone to share in the high you get! Bring a friend to discuss fit, get you out of something you are stuck in, tell you how ridiculous you look, or help you weed through what you chose before you check out!

Just have fun and don’t forget to bring a bottle of water..I always seem to get sooo thirsty!  

MR: Who are some other 'thrifty' bloggers that you like to visit on the regular?
S: There are so many bloggers out there that inspire me daily, but when it comes to thrifty bloggers I would say , , and are my favorites. Well, and Miss Rockwell of of course :O) She is one Thrifty Diva and what a spectacle we would make if we were in a thrift store together! <----I DID NOT pay her to say that!

Dress and Shoes-Thrifted

There you have it. My very first 'thrifty' feature. You can get more of Shana over at ColorBlind. Also don't forget to link up to her Thrifters Anonymous Party that she hosts each Monday. Thank You so much Shana for sharing with us. I'm soooo glad that I found you...*wink, wink*

What did you think?
All thoughts and comments are welcome-don't be shy!
Thanks for reading!

Post Title From: The Lady of the Hour by The Lucky Cupids

Monday, June 13, 2011

Savin' Maven Monday: Magic's in the Makeup!

Good Murnin'!

Hope everyone had fantastical weekend.

Mine was GREAT. I found lots of great deals. To top it off I spent Sunday night with the beau and his family watching the FINALS all while scarfing down some of THEE best grilled food I think I've ever had in all of my days. Pops can THROW DOWN on the grill-I wish I had some pics to share. But since I don't just know that it was soooo good that I have enough leftovers to last me the rest of the week!!!

Did anyone else watch the FINALS? How was your experience? What team were you going for? (I was rooting for Miami just because everyone else wanted Dallas to win and I must say that LeBron really disappointed me-he may as well not have shown up for the 4th quarter because he didn't do JACK!)

Before I go on I would like to wish MY BESTEST FRIEND in the world a very Happy Birthday. If you're reading this, I love and miss you dearly sugah!

Now, here's what I got in my mailbox last week (and maybe even 2 weeks ago-I'm losing track)-FREE MAGS:

Mailbox Monday
 Being that I there haven't been any really great coupons in the papers for the past couple weeks, I didn't do much shopping.

I went to CVS just to use some of my ECB's before they expired and found that they had marked alot of their cosmetics down to 50 and 75% off. I also scanned my card at the in-store coupon kiosk and received a $3 off $10 cosmetic purchase-->stoked!! Ohhhh, they had the crackle polish that I've been wanting since I mentioned it here, on sale for $4.99. Overall, I spent $3.62 on this purchase.

Savin' Maven (CVS) 
I also did Farm Fresh for the first time in a number of weeks. I figured that I would finally take advantage of their 'double dollar' Wednesday. (This is when they double all coupons up to $1-not sure that there is a limit to the number of coupons you may use either) They had some really great deals. I happened to get lucky and find a printable $5 off $25 coupon from the 'net so that came in handy as well.

Savin' Maven (Farm Fresh)
The deal with the all the Oscar Meyer products was that if you purchased 5 of the selected items you would automatically get $5 off. The Colgate was 3 for $5 and when my 3 ($1 off 1) coupons were doubled they all ended up being FREE. All of the cosmetics and deodorant were FREE as well after my coupons. This pic doesn't include the 2 large containers of Extra laundry detergent that I got for $1 each after coupons. In totality, I spent $11.23 here. Wowzah!

My total  this week was $64.03.
My out of pocket total was $14.85.
For a total savings of $49.18 (77% savings).

Did you find any good deals this week?

-SIDENOTE-Bath and Body works started their semi annual sale on Friday. For all of you who like to stock up on smell goods, you need to hurry in...

Click here to print a coupon for a FREE travel sized item (can be used with ANY purchase).

Before you go:

Couponing Tip #3

Begin collecting coupons.

You may subscribe to the Sunday paper or even ask a friend or family member to save their inserts for you. My mom has gotten hip and automatically takes the coupons out and sets them to the side for me now. LOVES HER! Also you may print them in the comfort of your own home by visiting Coupons, RedPlum, and Smart Source. Various stores such as Target have their own store coupons which can be used and combined with manufacturers coupons. Many of the blogs that are listed on my 'Thrifty Divas' list also post about various coupons that may be printed from home. Some of my faves are InspiringYou2Save and Hip2Save. Make sure to come back next week as I review CouponChief, another of my favorite sites for printable coupons.

Post Title From: Magic's in the Makeup by NoDoubt

Friday, June 10, 2011

FBFF: I'm Goin' INNN...And Ima Go HARD!!!

You have the right to do whatever you want! You can choose your own hairstyle, what makeup you want to wear, and what blogs you love to read each day.

Likewise, trends are not etched in stone. You don't have to adhere to these if don't want. Hell, it's your party!! Do it big, do it small, or don't do it at all. Trends come and go-they've been recreated and recycled since man made the rule that it was necessary for us to wear clothing. If you don't like a trend this time around, catch it again in about 5 more years and you may be singing a different tune.

I love covering the topic of trends. Even though I hardly ever follow trends until they are no longer trendy, I love sharing my opinion. SIDENOTE: Keep in mind though, that I will never share anything that I will not wear myself.  I had such a great time discussing Spring 2011 trends that when Katy from ModlyChic asked her FBFF group members to cover Summer 2011 trends this week, I gladly obliged.

I'm goin' in...(and I'ma GO HARD)

1. LACE-it's soooo sexy! I love showing skin-my BF hates it but hell, I gotsta stay well ventilated! Lace can be paired with mostly anything but for this season I would suggest pairing it with softer fabrics to create more of a sultry look. Isn't that the point of wearing lace? To look sultry...So don't go pairing it will heavy garb and an overflow of accessories. Less is more with this trend!
SIDENOTE: Lace is the item of choice for the next Everybody, Everywear challenge goin' down on June 14. Show us how you style your lace and link up HERE.


2. 70's INSPIRED LOOKS-this look has constantly been resurfacing each year. We can't seem to get enough of it. Whether it be inspired by Sophisticated Glamour (think silk bow tie blouses and high waisted trousers) or Bohemian Chic (ie-earth tones, floppy hats, sheer maxi dresses/skirts) ensembles, we LOVES IT, honey!!!

3. VINTAGE-LOVES IT!!! Think about those very ladylike hourglass silhouette dresses and midi skirts that mama used to wear back in the day. Boldly printed, precisely tailored fabrics. Longer hemlines that are conservative yet have the ability to flatter you body type.



 4. BIKER CLOTHING-think about a more edgy look to that compliments military inspired clothing. Try pairing leather boots with zipper infested motorcycle jackets. I'm not sure how wearable this will be in 90+ degree weather but it sounds FUNNNN!!!

5. PUNK ROCK-imagine studs and spikes-on shoes, jackets, and accessories. Bustiers, combat boots, and destroyed jeans (heeyyyy, I just came up with an outfit inspiration). This is another trend that I love which can be worn all throughout the year. It's not as feminine a look as some would like but you gotta let out your inner tomboy sometimes, ya know!


There you have it-my TOP 5 Summer 2011 trends. You can check out everyone else's trends by going to ModlyChic.

What do you think about my trends?
Which ones will you wear?
Which ones are you staying away from?
What are your favorite trends for the summer?

 Thanks for reading. **Wink Wink**

Linked up to:

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday

Post Title from I'm Goin' In by Drake

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Awkward and Awesome: No One On the Corner Got Swagga Like...Muah!!


-I think the person who oversees me (I hate the word boss) is trying to take advantage of me. Sure she has end-of-the-year paperwork that needs to be completed but hell...I have things to do as well. Things like homework, cutting coupons, and blogging of course. Sheesh. Don't discount the things that I have to do just because you're 'in the weeds'! And don't pass off all of your other tedious work off on me either. If you don't wanna do it, what makes you think I wanna do it!!!

-It's hot as fishgrease outside!!!

-That's all the awkwards I have....what the hell!!

-Okay, maybe not!

-Raising the roof? Does anyone still do that?


-MORE AWESOMENESS. If you're an avid movie go-er like me then you will LOVE this deal. LivingSocial is partnering with Fandango to offer 2 movie tickets for $9. That's less than the price of ONE!! What a SWEET deal! If you want to take your guy/girl out on an inexpensive date, here ya go! Also, Father's Day is inching closer so this would make a great impromptu date if you don't have anything planned yet. Just use this code to get your 2 for $9 deal. Psst-you even receive a $5 credit towards your first deal so that would make the movie tickets just $4! You've GOT TO DO THIS!
But hurry, it's only good until 5AM tomorrow. 

-THIS JUST IN...Father's Day is coming up ladies. I love holidays and special occasions because I love giving gifts-cards especially.  If you have yet to purchase your Father's Day cards, save yourself some extra dollars by taking advantage of these FREE offers. Cardstore and TinyPrints are both offering FREE Father's Day cards this year. I believe that both of the offers expire on June 13 so GO NOW!!! Enter the code FREEFD at TinyPrints and FREECARD at Cardstore. Tell me about the cards you got in the comments section. Enjoy!

-Syd from TheDaybook is preggers. Yup, the lovely lady who curated the Awkward and Awesome Thursday theme is with child. Her and Tys are going to have one adorable baby. I can't wait to read about him/her.

Syd from TheDaybook

-Swagbucks! No one on the corner got swagga like mine! LOL! Need I say more? They have totally replaced my google search engine. The incentive is that you earn points that you can use to buy cool gifts. That's FREE money y'all. And y'all know I'm all about some free swag! I have only been 'swagging' for a little over 2 months and I've accumulated enough points to earn a $15 Amazon gift card. My goal is to save all of my points until Black Friday so that I may do my Christmas shopping without coming out of pocket. Here's the deal: you earn points from doing simple things like searching, commenting, and tweeting about #swagbucks. You can get more info here and if you register today with this code, you start off with 30 points.

-Pinterest! I'm hooked! I'm always surfing the net and reading other blogs. Many of which I gain inspiration from. In fact, I have created several folders on my desktop that hold inspirational pictures. They are labeled according to my various interests-outfits, DIY crafts, food, whatever! Theeennn, I found out about Pinterest! A place where you can create and store all of your inspirations-RIGHT THERE. You can like and even comment on other inspiration boards much like you would on Facebook.  I'm stoked and addicted. Registration is by invite only so you can go here to request an invite. 

-I've been asked to do a site review of a huge couponing website. Woot, woot! (Raising the roof-apparently I still raise the roof!) I'm so looking forward to this!

-I will be doing my very first feature on Wednesday for Word On the Street. If you like thrifting as much as I do this will be a big one...Stay tuned!

-My new camera came. Yay! As soon as I get it all set up, I will be posting some pics! No more iPhone mirror shots! Double Yay!!

-New pretties that I found while perusing through the Prep Look edition of PrettyShinySparklys Bloggers Do It Better Challenge:

My Favorite Preps
Kasey from StyleMeKasey, Eboni from TheFashionistaNextDoor, and Ashleigh from LittleGirlBigWorld. (Well, Eboni isn't new, I've been following her for a while now-but her version of preppy happened to be one of my faves). I love 'em and so should you. Go check 'em out!

What are your Awkward and Awesome's for this week?
Please share...

Oh, and thanks for reading! (wink, wink)

Post Title from Swagga Like Us by Kanye West, TI, Jay Z, Lil Wayne