
Saturday, June 25, 2011

FBFF: You, You Make Me Better

I'm a movement by myself. But there are a number things that I find inspiration in.

Why do we need inspiration to just...well, be ourselves? For me, that answer can be stated without reservation, contemplation, or even so much as a second guess. My inspirations are the very things that urge me to push the envelope and take things to the next level. It could be as simple as a homeless person asking me for some spare change that has inspired me to sponsor my very own food drive each year during the holidays. Or it could be as complex as my best friend and I conversing about our love of thrifting which inspired me to create this very blog 6 months ago.

Up until 6 months ago, I was a generally a very reserved, super private type of person.

Blogging has definitely changed all of that.

Over the past 6 months, I've evolved-not only fashionably but also personally. I've learned to  better appreciate the opinions and  tastes of others. I've taken more chances with fashion and I've definitely shopped more than I've ever shopped in my ENTIRE existence. 

Let's discuss this more with a few question from Katy of ModlyChic (you can link up to her page to see what everyone else thinks too).

Since you began blogging do you notice a change in the types of things you gravitate towards while shopping? Definitely so. I now lean more towards thrifted, inexpensive items. Vintage pieces that won't ever be seen worn by anyone else. Pieces that can be easily remixed and layered. Pieces that are gorgeous enough for me to keep for a while but inexpensive enough for me to be fine parting with.

**FUN FACT #1: I never knew much about thrifting until I first began reading blogs. Now it's a never ending obsessive hobby of mine.

Do you find, as a fashion blogger, that you dress differently from your family and friends? Do they comment on that? I've always dressed differently from my family and friends. Most of my family is very conservative and particular. Blues with blues, reds with reds, so on and so forth. I'm the edgy one, the one who rebels against all fashion rules, the one who mixes patterns, and never matches my colors.

**FUN FACT #2: My friends like to shop my closet when we go out but I secretly hate lending my things out. (It's no longer a secret now, is it?)

What’s the weirdest fashion that you secretly like, even if you aren’t bold enough to wear it? Pink, coral, red. BRIGHT LIPS. I'm black. My lips are full. I don't want to look like a clown. That's all!

**FUN FACT #3: Part of the reason I don't do red lips is because my beau hates it! Does it even matter what he likes!?

Looking at current trends – what would you like to try but need to build up the courage to do? Socks...With sandals. I just purchased some black sparkly anklets from Gap and I'm sure that they will sit in my closet for the all of 8 more months before I get the courage to pull them out.


**FUN FACT #4: I still subconsciously care what people think of me when they see me? Do you?

Toot someone’s horn – which fashion blogger out there inspires you with her bold fashion choices? I absolutely love IAmKhatu. She's AH-DOOR-AH-BAL...and FLYYYY!!!

(all images from IAmKhatu)

FUN FACT #5-The very first blogs I read were KarlasCloset and TheDaybook

What does inspiration mean to you and from where do you gain yours?

Post Title from: Make Me Better by Fabolous ft. NeYo

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  1. I love reading your answers and your fun facts!  I knew about thrifting from before blogging, but I didn't really consider it a hobby until I started blogging :) Also, yes, it is so hard to find the right shade of lipstick!  I spent hours the other day trying to find a red that wouldn't make me look clownish, like you said, haha :D

  2. Hello! What a cool post! 
    I've always wanted to try the socks & sandals look, but I just don't think I can it off.
    Oh and I think that it's inevitable to care about what others might think of us, even if it's just a little bit. 

    Saludos :)

  3. Yes thrifting is my obsession! I can't get enough of it! And I've finally found a couple of lip shades that may work well with my full lips..updates coming soon;-)


  4. I'm gonna grow some hair on my chest, put those socks on with those sandals, and say to hell with anybody who doesn't like it! Sounds good, right!?



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