
Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring Cleaning with Kroger...

***Product coupons were provided by BzzAgent***

One thing I can't stand is a nasty house! I will take clutter and disorganization any day, but filth...I.CAN'T!!!

What better time than Spring Break to get some necessary cleaning out of the way? That's exactly what I did with my time off. I especially love to shop at places like Kroger for my cleaning supplies because not only do they offer great deals and prices but they also allow you the opportunity to earn Fuel Points towards your gas by using their rewards card

If you're unfamiliar with their Fuel Points system, it allows you to save $.10 per gallon of gas for every 100 points that you earn and redeem from your rewards card. Currently, they are running a promotion wherein you can earn 4 times the normal amount of fuel points for purchasing participating products.

Products that you would normally purchase such as this Clorox Cleaner + Bleach

Let me tell you....there's nothing like the fresh smell of bleach to signify a cleaning job well done!!! Especially when it's damn near free AND gives you points towards discounted gas! Double WIN!!!

No....let me take that back!

It's a TRIPLE WIN for me because it cleaned my bathtub like no other. Check out my before pic here...

I know what you're thinking!

I promise you all that I'm not a filthy chic but I had to make sure to let the dirt buildup in the tub enough so that you could visually note the difference in the before and after pictures. Otherwise, this whole post would be pointless.'s not as bad as you think!

But take a look at the end results-AMAZING!!! 

Even better news is that BzzAgent has sent me 5 extra sets of coupons to share with my friends so that they can take advantage of the 4X Fuel Points Program before the promotion ends. 

Please feel free to email me to let me know if you are interested in receiving a sheet of coupons.

Here's what all I purchased with my set of Kroger coupons..all for under $5!!!

Cleaning products are super expensive so great, high value coupons always come in handy.

Again, let me know if you would like a set!

Thank You for reading.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Product Review: #FindItAtTarget VoxBox

***I received this product complimentary to test through Influenster's Vox Box Program***

The best part about being an Influencer is that I get to test and review products that I normally would  not have thought to purchase.

Recently Infuenster launched a campaign with Target, my single most favorite store in America, in order to introduce various products that may or may not be new to the average Target shopper. Being that I'm literally there at least 2-3 days of the week, there aren't many items at Target in which I'm not familiar with so I was dying to participate. 

Truth be told,  I had my heart set on a new lip color, nail polish, or maybe even a new body wash but instead I received this...

Apparently, it sprays on your wet hair and dries to create 'beach waves'.

So yeah, that's about all I can tell you. I'm honestly a little disappointed with this #FindItAtTarget VoxBox for 2 obvious reasons.

First and foremost there was no product information included in my box so I literally had to rely on the knowledge of my Instagram followers to find out what it was. 

Once it's identity had been established I became even more disappointed because there was no way that I would be able to benefit from it's use with my near natural black girl roots.

Next time they run a campaign such as this, I would expect them to complete a much more in depth pre-screening before they ship out a bunch of products that no one can use or benefit from. 

To the stockpile the Sea Salt goes. 

Anyone else receive a #FindItAtTarget VoxBox?

What was your experience like? 

I can't wait to hear from you!!
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

DIY Lunchables: My Balanced Snack with Alpine Lace® Deli Cheese

***This post is sponsored by Alpine Lace®. All opinions and views are my own.***

Happy Tuesday you all!

I haven't been the best blogger friend lately. Honestly, I'm still getting adjusted to life as a Mother-yes, even after almost 4 months I'm still struggling with time management. My lil man is my world so literally every waking moment of my life is about him. Never will I feel guilty or apologize for taking the time to be an awesome Mother.

Being an awesome Mother means that I'm constantly on the go-obviously-because I rarely have the time to blog on a consistent basis anymore!! Being an awesome Mother who nurses means that I have to consume extra calories and remain well hydrated and healthy for the sake of the little life that I have been Chosen to care for.

Let's face it, I've never really been a huge health nut and sometimes I feel like slapping myself for having coffee or a soda-even though they're decaf-because I think they're ruining my little angel and somehow influencing him to develop horrible eating habits already. Even though I'm slim and I've already lost more than what I gained when I was carrying my Bubby, my eating habits are not so stellar! My sweet tooth is absolutely ridiculous and I consume wayyy more cheese than the doctor ordered.

Somehow, I would like to believe that cheese, and any dairy product for that matter, provides me with the fuel that I need to get through life.

 But mainly cheese. 

Seriously, I've been on a cheese kick for a while now. Each week, trying a different type. So far, I've experimented with Swiss, Muenster, and Gouda cheeses-respectively ordered according to my favorites.

I particularly love the Alpine Lace® Deli Cheese.  And the fact that I can make healthy snacks with it. Snacks  like these DIY Lunchables that are perfect for a busy Mom such as myself. 

Most varieties of Alpine Lace® Deli Cheese are reduced fat, perfect for snacking on the go or adding delicious flavor to your favorite sandwich or snack cracker. Its great taste comes from high-quality ingredients, and it provides a good source of protein and calcium.  

Alpine Lace® Deli Cheese helps fuel your busy day, providing you the energy and deliciousness to prepare you for your next adventure. 

I love that these delicious snacks give me and my lil man just what we need to stay energized.

They're the perfect Life Ingredients!!

Share your adventure and life ingredients on your personal Facebook page and be sure to “like” Alpine Lace®.

And again, thanks for reading and sticking in here with me!

Until next time!