
Monday, April 14, 2014

Product Review: #FindItAtTarget VoxBox

***I received this product complimentary to test through Influenster's Vox Box Program***

The best part about being an Influencer is that I get to test and review products that I normally would  not have thought to purchase.

Recently Infuenster launched a campaign with Target, my single most favorite store in America, in order to introduce various products that may or may not be new to the average Target shopper. Being that I'm literally there at least 2-3 days of the week, there aren't many items at Target in which I'm not familiar with so I was dying to participate. 

Truth be told,  I had my heart set on a new lip color, nail polish, or maybe even a new body wash but instead I received this...

Apparently, it sprays on your wet hair and dries to create 'beach waves'.

So yeah, that's about all I can tell you. I'm honestly a little disappointed with this #FindItAtTarget VoxBox for 2 obvious reasons.

First and foremost there was no product information included in my box so I literally had to rely on the knowledge of my Instagram followers to find out what it was. 

Once it's identity had been established I became even more disappointed because there was no way that I would be able to benefit from it's use with my near natural black girl roots.

Next time they run a campaign such as this, I would expect them to complete a much more in depth pre-screening before they ship out a bunch of products that no one can use or benefit from. 

To the stockpile the Sea Salt goes. 

Anyone else receive a #FindItAtTarget VoxBox?

What was your experience like? 

I can't wait to hear from you!!
Thanks for reading!

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