
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Trendy Tuesday: Pretty Sequins

Happy Tuesday my loves...

It is my favorite day of the blog week and I'm back with another installment of

Trendy Tuesday!

As the 'holiday party' season quickly approaches, I am definitely swooning over all things sparkly!

Not only can you pair them together to make for a spectacular ensemble but you can also wear the pieces separately and still get the same awesome effect.

These pretty sequins had me at hello!

Pretty Sequins...

Maison Scotch short sleeve top, $125 / Mango collar sweater, $64 / Black military jacket, $96 / French Connection / River Island knee length pencil skirt, $125 / Sequin hot shorts, $21 / Supra shoes / Black boots, $36
Have you added sequins to your holiday wardrobe yet?
If so, how will you style them?
I can't wait to hear from you.
Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Savin' Maven Monday: Black Friday Gone Bad

Happy Monday to you all!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Mine was full of leftovers, resting, relaxing, and more leftovers.OH! And I can't forget Black Friday shopping! 

So let me tell you original plan was to get myself a new TV this year during Black Friday. I mean I had been planning this trip since last year. Since I knew there was no chance in hell of me getting a huge TV into the car by myself, I enlisted the help of my 'ole faithful honey! He's so sweet! Might I add that I warned him ahead of time that we would be standing in line for a looong time-I'm talking the several hours type of long time. I even suggested that he just stay home and set his alarm for 5:30AMish, that way he could sleep in until I really needed him. He insisted that he wanted to stand in line with me. Again, such a sweetie!


The time came for us to stand and wait. Mind you we get in line around 10:30PM-which is actually late by my watch; the TV that I wanted didn't go on sale until 5AM the next morning so to say we had a long wait was an understatement. Somewhere along the way the honey must have-he had to have-misunderstood the whole concept of Black Friday-the thrill, the crazy people, the deals, and ultimately the wait. As soon as we set foot in Wal-Mart the honey turned into SHOPZILLA-he began to become claustrophobic and frustrated telling me that Black Friday is overrated and that this is the dumbest thing he had ever seen. Of course he wouldn't get it-men never get it when it comes to shopping and getting great deals.  I had to keep reminding him that he agreed to brave the nonsense with me. That didn't work!

He began to have anxiety attacks to the point where he just suggested that I get a regular priced TV and let him pay the difference of 200 some odd dollars just so he wouldn't have to stand in line all night. With that being said, I got myself a regular priced TV only to get it all the way to my vehicle to find out that it wouldn't fit. Easy fix, right!? 


We took the TV out of the box and found that not only was it missing a remote and a base but also the power cords. I immediately demanded a refund. Needless to say by this time I was fuming, not willing to get back in line so I left without a TV this year. 

PISSED BEYOND BELIEF because my Black Friday had  now gone bad!!!


 I continued to tell myself that all hope was not lost, when I woke up the next morning and drove myself to the  nearest mall. I was in desperate need of some retail therapy. I was so happy to find that Forever 21 was offering an additional 50% off of their clearance merchandise. I rarely ever shop there because it's way too overwhelming for me and their regular clearance is usually nothing to call home about so I couldn't pass this up.

I got these 2 hats, a graphic tube top....

flared oxblood denim and short overalls...

for $23.61!!!

Next, I went to my favorite spot-where else but Target!

There I found several pairs of patterned skinnies for $7 each...

techie gloves B1G1 FREE...

Aztec inspired accessories...

miscellaneous items (including a travel journal, yay! I love journals)...

and these shoes for $9!

I spent about $55 in Target bringing my Black Friday shopping total to approximately $78!

Not bad at all. Not one Christmas gift purchased. Not one thing marked off of my Christmas list. I would feel bad but the shoes I just purchased make everything better.

How was your Black Friday experience?
What did you buy?

I can't wait to hear from you!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'm Thankful...For Paneled Leather Pants and Sneaker Wedges

Happy Thanksgiving my loves!

It feels so odd saying that! Is it just me or does it seem like Thanksgiving came way early this year.

Is everyone ready to dig into the stuffing and mac 'n' cheese, the turkey and the ham? 

I know I sure am!

I'm expecting to put on at least 10 pounds through the weekend so that's why I decided to wear these faux leather paneled leggings-equipped with an elastic waistband!

Leather Paneled Pants-Target
I'm so thankful for them!

I'm also thankful for sneaker wedges-even though I wish I had a better close up picture of them!

Sneaker Wedges-EBay
I'm thankful for tripods and a great honey-one who knew my camera was crappy so he went out and brought a fancy, new camera and told me that we could share it. I'm relentlessly trying to get him to just let me have it already because he clearly has NO need for it!

Chambray-NY & Co | Sweater-Target
I'm thankful for Target clearance, from where I picked up this colorblocked sweater, and chambray.

Thankful for rebels like me who don't care about breaking the rules. The playground is supposed to be closed from dusk til dawn but I couldn't wait any longer to try out the new camera.

Jacket/Purse-NY & Co
Thankful for the color red as it takes up a majority of my closet space.

Thankful for blonde hair. It should have been natural because I promise I live up to every ounce of the blonde stereotype! And yes, blondes really do have more fun!

Among all of these things though, I am most thankful for life and love in abundance. For a great family who supports my dreams and aspirations. For an awesome companion who loves me with his whole heart. For lifelong friends who accept me as I am-flaws and all. For my talents AND my flaws. For my new found family, the BLM girls-an awesome group of bloggers who continue to inspire and motivate me to keep moving forward. And for the ability to share this moment with you, my virtual friends.


What are you most thankful for?

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Trendy Tuesday: Collar Necklaces

Well hello my loves.

Happy Tuesday!

I feel like I haven't posted in a month of Sundays.

I've been super overwhelmed with work, school, as well as trying to show support in visiting my other blogger friends. So overwhelmed that I neglected to keep you all updated.

But, I'm BACK!!!

And I promise next time I won't be gone so long!!

Last week, I participated in the Everybody, Everywear challenge so I skipped Trendy Tuesday.

I've been anticipating this day so I could share with you my newest obsession...
Collar Necklaces...

Akong collar necklace, $1,025 / Miss Selfridge / ASOS / Miss Selfridge / Bardot silver jewelry, $24 / ASOS / Jada pendant jewelry / ASOS , $14 / Leather necklace / Orange jewelry / Faux Pony Leather Collar

Is anyone else in love with these like me!?
I recently went crazy and ordered a bunch of them from eBay.  I will share those with you in another post though.
I think these necklaces look really great with chambray-as does everything else-they're so elegant! Or even a nice leather skirt paired with a tuxedo shirt! How dope would that look with the gold studded collar (in the top right corner)!?
How would you style yours?
I can't wait to hear from you!
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I'm Having A Bad Hair Day...

Hey my loves...

I'm gonna get straight to the point....

I'm having a bad hair day!

So I did this...

I hate those moments in between washings when my hair gets all greasy and heavy-I would much rather prefer light and flowy!

However this skully, given to me by my nephew, helped me avoid having to stand in the mirror for hours trying to figure out what to do with my hair.

I just plopped it atop my head and out the door I went!

Luckily, it was a perfect match for this layered look.

Did I mention that I love this type of weather because the ability to layer in the cooler months is my motivation for getting dressed.

And the chambray combined with this thrifted denim jacket would be worn if I thought for one millisecond that you all wouldn't look at the screen awkwardly while making terrible underbreath remarks about how my outfits lack versatility.

Chambray-NY&Co | Denim-Thrifted

Seriously, chambray and denim jackets are thee best things that the fashion world ever did see!

Oh, and apparently skullies are too because sometimes I just hate my hair!

Sidenote: I love how the green polo man on this skully matches so effortlessly with my jeans. I totally didn't plan that!

99 cent colored denim and stripes are really huge hits in my closet as well!

Colored Jeans-Thrifted | Striped Pullover-Thrifted

I love when I can go into my closet and created looks with pieces that I have scored from the thrift.

How much of your closet is thrifted?

I can't wait to hear from you!

Thanks for reading!
I'm also linking up with the ladies over at Everybody, Everywear to show off my boots this month! Go on over to see how some of my other blogger friends style theirs.

Image 5687

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Savin' Maven Monday: This Week At New York & Co.

Well hello my loves....

I am soooo late today! I apologize but I've been having computer issues all day!

The honey downloaded some programs on my PC last night and I've been struggling ever since. It hit me around 6:30 this eve that maybe all I needed to do was restart the computer and then....BAM! It's been smooth sailing ever since. 

Just wanted to take a minute to share with you some awesome deals I found while shopping this past weekend.

If you've been following for a while, then you're well aware that besides Target, New York & Company happens to be my one of my favorite places to shop. I had some great coupons that expired today so here's what I found.

This fuchsia pink button up-it's like a rayon type material.

I fell in love with it because of the gold detailing around the cuffs and collar...

This mustard pencil skirt...the pleats in the front create a rouching effect and the split actually goes up to about mid thigh. Can we say sexy!? I actually got the blazer as well as the cropped pants in the same color so now I officially own a '3 piece suit'!

Oh and these buttons!

This hunter green bag. I'm so in love with it!

To make my day even better, I found hunter green suede pumps!

It was not my intention to pair these pieces together, however, as I was preparing to take the pics I realized how great these items actually look together. 

This would make for one helluva color blocked outfit!

Now....on to the good stuff!

I used 1 coupon worth $45 off of $90 (50% off) PLUS I had a $20 certificate that they sent me as part of their rewards program.

So my grand total was $31.33!!

I saved a total of $165.87!!

That's an 84% savings!!!

What do you think?

Did you find any good Veteran's Day sales out there?

I can't wait to hear from you.

Thanks for reading.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Favorites: Vol #24

Happy Friday darlings!!!

It's the end of the work week so I couldn't be more excited-especially since it's a long weekend!


I feel like I have shared my favorites with you in a while so this is what's been happening in my life lately....

Mag swag! Seriously my magazine collection is out of control. I don't know when I will ever be able to read them all. Someone help!

This gorgeous statement necklace that I found on Ebay for $7! I can't wait to wear it!

New E.L.F. beauty products from the Dollar Tree.


Delicious cap toe heels I found at Target! Just in time for the holiday parties...

I wanted them so bad I paid full price for them!

Clearance Halloween candies. I have about $40 worth of candy here. It was 70% off at Target the day after Halloween so I got all this for about $8. 

These 'almost better than sex' brownies! Uggh...they're so good!

New Polo hats for the winter; given to me by my nephew. 

Campaigning for Obama at a FREE Stevie Wonder concert in my area!

He was introduced by America's sweetheart, Gabby Douglas!

Fired up...

And ready to go!

That's it for this week!

What are some of your favorite from this week?

I can't wait to hear from you!

Thanks for reading!