
Monday, November 26, 2012

Savin' Maven Monday: Black Friday Gone Bad

Happy Monday to you all!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Mine was full of leftovers, resting, relaxing, and more leftovers.OH! And I can't forget Black Friday shopping! 

So let me tell you original plan was to get myself a new TV this year during Black Friday. I mean I had been planning this trip since last year. Since I knew there was no chance in hell of me getting a huge TV into the car by myself, I enlisted the help of my 'ole faithful honey! He's so sweet! Might I add that I warned him ahead of time that we would be standing in line for a looong time-I'm talking the several hours type of long time. I even suggested that he just stay home and set his alarm for 5:30AMish, that way he could sleep in until I really needed him. He insisted that he wanted to stand in line with me. Again, such a sweetie!


The time came for us to stand and wait. Mind you we get in line around 10:30PM-which is actually late by my watch; the TV that I wanted didn't go on sale until 5AM the next morning so to say we had a long wait was an understatement. Somewhere along the way the honey must have-he had to have-misunderstood the whole concept of Black Friday-the thrill, the crazy people, the deals, and ultimately the wait. As soon as we set foot in Wal-Mart the honey turned into SHOPZILLA-he began to become claustrophobic and frustrated telling me that Black Friday is overrated and that this is the dumbest thing he had ever seen. Of course he wouldn't get it-men never get it when it comes to shopping and getting great deals.  I had to keep reminding him that he agreed to brave the nonsense with me. That didn't work!

He began to have anxiety attacks to the point where he just suggested that I get a regular priced TV and let him pay the difference of 200 some odd dollars just so he wouldn't have to stand in line all night. With that being said, I got myself a regular priced TV only to get it all the way to my vehicle to find out that it wouldn't fit. Easy fix, right!? 


We took the TV out of the box and found that not only was it missing a remote and a base but also the power cords. I immediately demanded a refund. Needless to say by this time I was fuming, not willing to get back in line so I left without a TV this year. 

PISSED BEYOND BELIEF because my Black Friday had  now gone bad!!!


 I continued to tell myself that all hope was not lost, when I woke up the next morning and drove myself to the  nearest mall. I was in desperate need of some retail therapy. I was so happy to find that Forever 21 was offering an additional 50% off of their clearance merchandise. I rarely ever shop there because it's way too overwhelming for me and their regular clearance is usually nothing to call home about so I couldn't pass this up.

I got these 2 hats, a graphic tube top....

flared oxblood denim and short overalls...

for $23.61!!!

Next, I went to my favorite spot-where else but Target!

There I found several pairs of patterned skinnies for $7 each...

techie gloves B1G1 FREE...

Aztec inspired accessories...

miscellaneous items (including a travel journal, yay! I love journals)...

and these shoes for $9!

I spent about $55 in Target bringing my Black Friday shopping total to approximately $78!

Not bad at all. Not one Christmas gift purchased. Not one thing marked off of my Christmas list. I would feel bad but the shoes I just purchased make everything better.

How was your Black Friday experience?
What did you buy?

I can't wait to hear from you!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I would have been mad too...but you found some other cute the jeans & those shoes ;-)

  2. Awww man! I'm sorry about the tv! I would have been fuming too! I do like the goodies you were able to get though. The patterned skinnies are cute and I love the journal! I just love journals and find myself buying a new one everywhere I go, even if I haven't finished writing in the 20 other ones I have lol.

    Hopefully you'll be able to cross some things off your Christmas list soon, before things get super crowded in the stores!


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