
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Trendy Tuesday: Peplum LePew

Well hello and happy Tuesday!!

I get sooo excited when Tuesday rolls around because I get to share with you all my favorite trends of the week. I hope you all have been enjoying this feature because I sure as heck have had a ball creating the inspiration boards (<---well, most of them anyway; some of the boards located on this link are those that I have pinned from others).

I also get excited when others like the trends that I present. This board was featured on last weeks Links A La Mode roundup. How cool is that?

Anyhow, my favorite trend of the week is....

Peplum LePew...

Peplum LePew... by sherockwell featuring striped tops

Can you say SWOON-WORTHY!!! I don't care what form it's in-skirt, shirt, or dress-there's something so dainty and inevitably classy about peplum. It's chic and it has the ability to make one look and feel like upwards of a million bucks. Ahhhh....for the love of peplum! I can't find enough great things to say about it. Thus far, I think I've purchased 3 peplum pieces (to be styled in a later post) and I can't get enough of them. Sometimes I just go into my closet and stare. The thing that I love most about this trend is that...

there is NO wrong way to style it!!

What do you think?
Does peplum speak to you like it speaks to me?

Thanks for reading!


  1. o0o0o0o! SUPER cute!
    i love pencil skirts.
    need to invest in them.
    they are perfect for work and cute to go out in too!
    and someone please send me all those jewelry picks!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

    1. Me tooooo!!! I love pencil skirts as well!

  2. I am obsessed with the peplum as well, I am constantly looking for additional pieces to add to my closet!

  3. All the pieces are so vintage looking. Love it!!!

  4. I just got an education! Thank you! I found a dress at the thrift last week with peplum detail! Only I had no idea it was called that!

    1. Well yay! I'm so excited that you now know exactly what it is called.

  5. I adore peplums on other women. LOL They look so classy and retro. I just cannot pull it off, no matter how hard I try. But I also like the bustles (you know that simple little ruffle that goes in an inverted "V" down the back of skirts?). So sexy in a classy way.

    1. Oh yes, 'bustles' are really pretty as well!

  6. That floral print dress is pretty!

  7. Replies
    1. I know. I wish I had one of each piece in my closet.

  8. Great post. Peplum is hot right now, I need to get a piece or two myself.

  9. Go for it! I have several pieces in my closet!


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