
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Trendy Tuesday: Cap Toe Heels

Well hello Tuesday!

I hope all of you are doing fabulous. 

As you know on Tuesdays, I highlight my favorite trends. I'm telling you, there are sooo many great things out there that it's almost hard for me to decide what I want to highlight each week. 

Pastels, florals, staement necklacesombre, neon...this list could go on!

This week I have fallen head over heels with the cap-toe shoe that has slowly taken over the fashion magazines and invaded my thoughts.

Though they probably hit the trend meter quite some time ago, I first noticed them here when Beyonce rocked them court side at a basketball game. Of course, the ones that she's wearing are way out of my budget but that doesn't mean that I can't make my own. In fact, I did attempt to make my own in this DIY post, however, I'm not exactly fond of them anymore so I will inevitably try again.

Here are more of my fave cap toes...

Cap Toe Heels

Cap Toe Heels by sherockwell featuring cap toe pumps

How do you feel about the crazy cap toe trend?

Are they hot or not?

Thanks for reading!


  1. I agree, I'm loving so many trends this Spring, but I really love cap toe shoes!!! The ones you selected are fabulous! My faves are the Jimmy Choo leopard pumps and the neon yellow Louboutins!

    <3 Jenny

    1. I love the yellow ones too. I wish someone would buy them for me!!

  2. i LOVE these! i saw some really amazing ones at Zara, too!

    1. Zara DOES have some really cute ones. Off to their website I go!!

  3. I LOVE this trend! I have a pair of flats with a black cap toe!

  4. I'm loving your picks here, the gold and pinky red ones are my top favs though!

  5. Cap toes are definitely the business this season. I have a pair of nude & yellow flats that I got from Kohls for $12 (Dana Buchman, reg price $65) I wear them at least twice a week--I need another pair of cap toes!


  6. I always love finding another thrifting blog!! It makes my little frugal heart happy.

    I seriously love these cap toe looks! It makes the pointy toe shoe a little less severe. If you don't already, you should check out Rocquelle at Consider Me Lovely. She just did a DIY hot pink cap toe on an old pair of nude pumps! They're awesome!

    -Your newest follower-
    The Secondhand Magpie

    1. Yay! Thanks for visiting and following. I definitely visit Rocquelle on a regular basis. She's so fly!


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