
Monday, June 4, 2012

Savin' Maven Monday: Buy 1, Get What FREE!?

Happy Monday loves!

I hope all of you had a great weekend. Mine was splendid. I went on a date with my babes, spent some time with one of my girlfriends, and got started on some cool DIY projects that I will be featuring on the blog next week. View my inspiration boards here and here for a clue as to what those DIY projects may be.

Over Memorial Day weekend I visited a new store in one of my area's local malls. My niece had been telling me about it for some time now. She explained how it was very much like a combination of  H&M and Forever 21. Then I thought to myself...'self if there's already both an H&M and a Forever 21 in this mall, what purpose does the new store serve?' I was so confused until I went in. 

The name of the store is Love Culture and IT.WAS.GORGEOUS!! My jaws literally dropped when I stepped foot in there. Of course these pictures don't do it a bit of justice but I loved the layout.

Much like Forever 21, the amount of merchandise is entirely overwhelming but the overall architecture of the store was breathtaking nonetheless.

My favorite part was the dressing rooms. Look at the entrance. Fit for a queen!

I felt like I had found

Of course I couldn't leave without purchasing something. Most of their items were a bit on the pricey side but when I made my way to the back of the store to find their Buy 1, Get 1 FREE items I knew I had hit the jackpot! I left with 4 items-2 of them being FREE-but only 3 of them are pictured because one of the items that I picked was way too small. I hate trying on clothes so needless to say that item went in my 'to sale' pile!

Without further ado, here is my swag.

Oxfords-$18.99 (FREE after sale)
I love the detailing and the neutral color. I can't wait to pair them with some cut off shorts and a fedora hat!

Red is my all time favorite color and as I was going through all of my shoes I noticed that I don't have any red shoes for the summer. In my eyes red is a neutral color so I pair it with everything-but maybe that's just me being biased! LOL

Faux Fur Vest-$7.99 (FREE after sale)
This last item is thee best one of the haul. I've been searching for a fairly inexpensive faux fur vest since last season so I died two times when I saw this hanging on the rack. It was the hugest steal of the entire trip. The original price was $34.80. If you all know anything about me by now then you know that I'm not doing $34.80-I don't care how cute it is. I wait for sales. The first markdown was $24.99, then $14.99, then $7.99 but I got it for $FREE.99 because I purchased it with the pair of $8.99 shorts that are not pictured. Since the higher price prevailed, I got this lovely vest free of charge. I'm so in love.

For less than $30, I scored some great items. I'm truly happy about each and every one of them and I can't wait to style them.

How do you feel about Buy 1, Get 1 FREE sales? Do you really feel like you save money or do you think they are a total rip off?

Do share.


PS: I would love for you to know more about me and what's going on with the blog. Be sure to go to my sidebar under the 'Let's Be Cool' tab and follow me at my other spaces as well!


  1. wow...amazing!! i want to go to that store -

    1. I was totally overwhelmed but I think I made out with some pretty good items.

  2. Chile, I love a good BOGO. I went to Charming Charlies where there's is buy one get two free. *fainted* as long as the original price fits my bargain budget, I'm buying.

    1. Buy 1 Get 2 FREE is thee absolute best. I wonder what the selection was like.

  3. lol...I see you!

    1. Update you site. I need some more good ish to read woman!!!


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