
Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Favorites...Vol. #14

Finally Friday!!! YESSS!

I hope everyone has had a more than amazing week. I'm so excited that Friday is here-I have a jam packed weekend.

Just wanted to take a moment to share some of my favorite things from this week.

Here goes...

2 books that I have read in the past week-Low Down and Dirty by Vickie M. Stringer and Natural Born Hustler by Nikki Turner. I'm a sucker for good literature. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has them.

This pink and orange combination that I found in the June issue of Good Housekeeping Magazine. Believe it or not there's some really good information in that magazine.

The magazines that fill my mailbox on a weekly/monthly basis. I'm swamped with mags and I'm not sure how I will ever catch up! Does anyone else have that problem?

My Memorial Day outfit. Of course it features a pair of oxfords. You can read about my slight obsession with them here and here.

Strawberry cheesecake ice cream with hot fudge topping from High's. I promise you there's nothing in the world that tastes quite like it!

The latest book that I've started this week. The Reason Why by Vickie M. Stringer. She is the queen of series literature.

Preparing my living room for a DIY weekend party. Let the fun and crafts begin!

My studs finally arrived! I'm going stud crazy this weekend!

Shopping list for this weekend's crafts and DIY's.

What are some of your favorite things from this week?
Do share!

Thanks for reading.


  1. Replies
    1. I've already gotten started. I can't wait to debut the items next week!

  2. Yes to oxfords and to studs! Studded oxfords??

  3. BlingingismybusinessJune 8, 2012 at 3:33 PM

    Hey MissRockwell. I have been following your blog and I LOVE LOVE IT!!! Love your style and energy. Imagine my surprise about all the talents you possess after our meeting at the Traci Lynn party...knew you had good energy for a reason. So have you ever thought about having a girls night in DIY party or girls day out Thrifting event. If so I would love to come. Hope all is well and stay INSPIRED!! Peace

    1. OMG! Thank you so much for visiting. I appreciate you. I never expect for my friends or people that I meet to visit me so this is a great surprise. I have definitely been getting lots of requests for a girls day and it will be in the making very soon. Please continue to visit and I will let you know when 'girls day in' is! Again, thanks a million!


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