
Monday, April 30, 2012

Savin' Maven Monday: DIY Flower Vase

Happy Monday loves...

I hope all of you had a great weekend. Mine was pretty exciting. I did a little shopping and ended the weekend attending Steve Harvey's comedy show.

Today's post is a little bit different as I don't do a lot of DIY posts, however, I sorta felt like I was ignoring my creative nature by not sharing with you all, hence the reason for this post.

When my friends come by to visit they immediately get excited when they see the 4 cans of Pringles sitting on my counter. Their snack radar emerges instantaneously. However, when they get to the cans and find them empty, they yell all types of curses at me. The question that follows is always an inquiry as to why in the h#ll I have 4 empty can of chips....

Why, to make flower vases of course!! How did they not know that!

Anyhow, here's what you'll need.

**Empty Pringles cans-as many as you would like
**Contact paper-I used one roll but the actual amount will depend on how many vases you want to create
**Scissors-I forgot to picture the scissors but I figured that was pretty obvious

That's it! You're ready to begin.

STEP 1: Measure the contact paper and cut all pieces. Once you cut the first piece, you may use it as a guide to cut the remaining pieces.

STEP 2: Wrap the contact paper around the cans until they look like this...

STEP 3: Place flowers inside of your 'vase'.

STEP 4: Place 'vase' anywhere you desire.

excuse the mess in the background-I really need to clean!

How easy was that!? This project cost me all of $6 and 15 minutes. Of course I already had the cans but the contact paper and the flowers both came from the Dollar Tree. 

What do you think?

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Favorites...Vol #12

Whew...I made it through another week!!! Without further ado, here are some of my favorite tidbits!

**I walked into the library last Saturday and saw these:

FREE Magazines and pre-cut yes! I'll take them!

**I added these to my ever-growing collection of Patricia D. Cornwell novels:

Thee best forensic science author to have ever lived!

**This is what my mailbox looks like on any given week!
I'm such a magazine junkie!

**My drink of choice...and a Dinner Box from Pizza Hut!

Amaretto Sour with extra cherries!

**My safe haven from the rain...
Yellow Duckies
Thee best movie of the year! Did anyone else see it?
Kevin Hart is a slam fool!

What were some of your favorite moments of the week?
Do share.



Thursday, April 26, 2012

Nowhere To Go...

Good day loves and Happy Thursday.
I hope your week is going great thus far. 

Mine is actually moving along rather quickly and I'm so ecstatic about it! On my last outfit post I posed a question asking if you thought some fashion bloggers just played dress-up for the camera or if they really had somewhere special they were going each day. Do they really wear 4" stilettos and skinnies to work? Mini skirts and pumps to the grocery store? I don't know, I just think that's reaching a little far. I mean I love dressing up and being girly but some days a 'dress down' break is needed.

In all honesty, that's usually a lot of days for me. LOL. But when I do get dressed to go out, I'm usually donning something like this.

Vest-Miley to the Maxx via Wal-Mart
Not super duper girly, a little rough around the edges-but comfortable-and above all else, it's ME! I wore this 'fit to my girlfriends' birthday dinner.

As I was getting dressed I began to think about the numerous bloggers that I visit who always look so great each day. I wondered where they go, especially those who work from home. Like, what are they getting all dazzled up for-lunch break or a play date with the camera?

Pussybow Blouse-Thrifted
For those who don't work from home, I wonder what their job titles are. And how great it must be to have a dress code with no boundaries. 

Denim-OLD and clearanced for $5
I'm just saying....

If you really have nowhere to go...

and your only purpose for getting all dressed up is to have a 'photoshoot' date with the can you really be considered a 'fashion blogger'? Isn't that false advertisement?

Does that make any sense?

I would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

Savin' Maven Monday: Without Fail...

Good Monday loves!

Here's to the start of a new week. I hope everyone had an awesome-like weekend. Mine was very productive. I've begun to wrap up my year-end projects for school and work so that makes me very happy. I've been struggling to get posts up on time because I've had so much going on but hopefully things will be a little more fluid and consistent now.

Just wanted to drop a line or two to tell you guys about some of my great and thrifty finds this weekend.

First, might I let you know that I visit Target every week-without fail! And every week, I walk out with at least one bag. My obsession is borderline unhealthy. But you know what, I'm now trying to change it one bit! LOL. Anyhow, I've been stalking these two pieces of art since the beginning of the year. I'm surprised that they haven't been snatched up by now. They were originally $17.00-when I went in on yesterday, the price tag had $11.99 but I felt that was still too steep. I tried to scan them on one of the little 'self-scanner thingies' and the price didn't come up, so I took them through the checkout line. They rang up at $5.08 a piece-SCORE! Now I have to figure out where I will hang them.

Did anyone else go to Bath & Body works to score their FREE lotion? Usually when they roll out a new scent they offer a free sample size on the weekend that it debuts. That means 3 chances to score free lotion-no purchase necessary. When I went in I received two coupons to use on a future purchase. Looks like they will be hosting some type of party for Mother's Day so that's where I will be shopping.

Also with Mother's Day fast approaching, Shutterfly is offering a FREE greeting card. Use the code CARD4U to save yourselves a few bucks on a Mother's Day card. I ordered mine this weekend so when it arrives I will be sure to share what it looks like.

What kind of great deals did you score this weekend?


Friday, April 20, 2012

Nothing Special...

Good day loves...

Just a quick outfit post since I haven't done one all week. I wore this to have a quick dinner with my family.
Very sweet and simple.

Since I've been blogging and visiting other blogs, I've noticed that even though my closet is full of color and beautiful things, I always lean more towards the classic, low key pieces. I don't really see the need to put on a full face of makeup and break out my newly purchased leopard print skinnies to have casual dinner on a weeknight. I just can't. I don't have the energy.

So typically this is what I look like on any given day.

Classic pieces with an added accessory here and there to add some kind of life to the 'fit.

Sweater/Belt-NY & Co

My friends would actually say that I'm dressed up but I think this is rather quiet. I don't know, maybe it's the heels!?


Nothing special at all!

Okay, maybe I lied. This purse is extremely special to me-not only does it match perfectly with anything that I wear but it was also thrifted for $3.98-brand new-Hayden Harnett, one of Target's random designer guys. I'm sure this would have easily gone for upwards of $30 in store; this is why I'm happy to be a thrifter.

Oh, and these shoes-another thrifted jewel. 5 bucks!


In conclusion, it's not that I'm lazy or don't care enough about my appearance to go the extra mile-I just can't do it each and every day. It almost makes me wonder if some of these fashion bloggers really dress up everyday or if they just play dress up to make it look nice for their audience.

I would love to hear your thoughts.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Trendy Tuesday: Bouquet of Flowers

Good Tuesday my loves!

I feel like I haven't posted in ages.

How the hell are y'all!?

Let's start by stating that I've had a very insightful weekend. It was very technology laden, in fact. As if I don't have enough things to trigger my attention deficit, I revisited my Polyvore account, which I created some three years ago. In an effort to highlight this year's spring trends, it immediately gave me an idea for my blog. I admire you gals who are always so fabulous and have the capabilities and/or job titles that allow you to dress to impress everyday but I'm just not that fortunate, hence the reason why my outfit posts are few and far between and only occur when I have an event to attend.  Polyvore allows me to  my display my creativity while still posting killer outfits that I would wear should I have the opportunity. It also gives me a chance to tap into my inner desire to become a stylist. So here's to my new themed feature-Trendy Tuesday. Each week (hopefully) I will chose a specific trend to build around. This week it's florals...and these are the things I'm coveting.

Bouquet of Flowers

Pink Kisses

Holy Florals!

What do you think about the new themed feature?

I can't wait to hear your responses!

Thanks for reading!