
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Trendy Tuesday: Bouquet of Flowers

Good Tuesday my loves!

I feel like I haven't posted in ages.

How the hell are y'all!?

Let's start by stating that I've had a very insightful weekend. It was very technology laden, in fact. As if I don't have enough things to trigger my attention deficit, I revisited my Polyvore account, which I created some three years ago. In an effort to highlight this year's spring trends, it immediately gave me an idea for my blog. I admire you gals who are always so fabulous and have the capabilities and/or job titles that allow you to dress to impress everyday but I'm just not that fortunate, hence the reason why my outfit posts are few and far between and only occur when I have an event to attend.  Polyvore allows me to  my display my creativity while still posting killer outfits that I would wear should I have the opportunity. It also gives me a chance to tap into my inner desire to become a stylist. So here's to my new themed feature-Trendy Tuesday. Each week (hopefully) I will chose a specific trend to build around. This week it's florals...and these are the things I'm coveting.

Bouquet of Flowers

Pink Kisses

Holy Florals!

What do you think about the new themed feature?

I can't wait to hear your responses!

Thanks for reading!

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