
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WOTS: Enjoy the Show...

Happy Hump Day loves!

Did everyone have a super romantic Valentine's Day? This is the first year in a long while that it felt like just another day for me. I guess that attitude comes along with getting older and not expecting as much from people. Flowers, cards, and candy are great gestures but I don't feel like those things should be limited to one day. Love, compassion, and romance should be expressed year round. Because if not, then I begin to question the realness of it all. 

Scarf-Express (Men's Section)

 Go the extra mile and do the unexpected, ya know!! Not just on one day, but everyday!

Enough of the mushy stuff; let's talk about this outfit. 

I wore it a while back to a concert-Marsha Ambrosious to be exact. When going to concerts or any type of event where I will be standing for an extended period of time, I like to take my feet into consideration-that, my friends, is the reason why you have seen me in more flats in alot of my recent outfit posts. I also tried to remind myself of the fact that there wouldn't be any coat storage so I dressed in layers and threw on this thrifted Zara blazer for extra warmth.

'Clatchel'-Old Navy
I threw my hair up in a messy ponytail so that I wouldn't be so hot inside of the venue. Damn trying to be cute, I wanted to be comfortable and enjoy the show. 

This blazer is one of my favorite thrifting finds. I had started to put her back on the rack because I had just thrifted a similar corduroy blazer a couple of weeks before but when I noticed the leather detailing and the elbow patches I held onto this baby for dear life. Classic pieces like these remain in your closet forever and for only $2.98 why NOT!!??

The red glasses are THEE statement piece in this outfit. Not to mention that I can't see 2 feet in front of me without them. I'm not a phony y'all...I really do need them!! They were purchased a while back from GlassesUnlimited where all frames are $9.99. You just fill in your prescription and after taxes and shipping you have yourself a sweet pair of specs for all of 15 bucks.

Jeans, Boots (Nine West), Sweater (H&M), Oxford (Old Navy)-Thrifted

Needless to say, I was super comfy during the concert and I enjoyed every moment of Marsha. 

How do you dress for concerts?

Before I go, here's my Word on the Street-Bath and Body Works is offering a FREE Signature Collection (travel size) item from now until 2/20. No purchase necessary. Just click on the link to print the coupon. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. That is definitely $2.98 well spent! Your blazer looks fantastic how you've layered it.

  2. I agree on being cute and comfy! I giggle when I see the chicks in their 5 inch heels and mini dresses just sitting down because their feet hurt to bad to groove. If I pay that much money to see the performer, I am grooving, boo! I need to do more layering because you're right about the lack of coat storage. When you're packed in like sardines having a big coat with you is not the business.

  3. Oh yes honey, I grooved like there was no tomorrow and I lmao'd at all of those who were too uncomfy to join me!

  4. Thank You kindly!


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