
Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Favorites...Vol #6

Happy Friday loves!!!

I am soooo glad it's time for the weekend. It's been one long week. are a few things that made me smile.

Though the passing of Mrs. Whitney Houston was very untimely, I was glad to see that she is still being honored and recognized within elementary schools for Black History Month. Regardless of her struggles with drugs, the children will still be able to say that she was an important African American figure.

RIP Whitney Houston

My 7 year old waitress. I'm still on the fence about this one. She was adorable and might I add that she was a very great waitress but this goes against every Child Labor Law in America. *I bet money that she will be part owner of this restaurant by the time she reaches 16*

My new motto-courtesy of Target!

New cosmetics!

Garnet Gems-Milani

Grape Splash Wetslicks-CoverGirl

Duke University's Basketball Schedule. After seeing Austin Rivers score the game winning 3-pointer against UNC-Chapel Hill, I'm a lifelong fan.

 Thrifted decorations that will be used for future DIY projects. I can't wait!!

Homemade Valentine's

What are some of the things that made you smile this week?

Do share...

Thanks for reading!


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