
Monday, January 2, 2012

Savin' Maven Monday: Closet Full of Shoes...

Morning Lovelies. 

 It's a new year! OMG, I can't believe it. I don't even think I've set any goals for the year yet. Maybe I will have them done and posted on Wednesday...then again...maybe not. This is my last day off of work for a while so I have to get as much as possible done today.  Ugh, going back to work sucks. Can't I just continue to receive my pay without actually going into the office? 

Anywho, while looking into my closet, I noticed that I have an ever growing, horrific obsession with shoes. Who am I kidding, that's every girls' weakness right? What girl doesn't dream of having a walk-in closet full of clothing and shoes stacked to the ceiling. While in my closet just the other day, I counted close to 100 pairs of foot candy. (One day I will give an exact number) I'm sure the number has increased since then because I can't keep myself from swiping when I see a dope pair of kicks. Especially when the price is right. Literally all money saving rules go slam out the door when I spot a well priced shoe.

Like these....I absolutely love Chuck Taylor's because they are so versatile and can be worn with anything. But, they almost never go on sale. However, I spotted these for $15 during Dillard's New Year's sale. I didn't think twice about adding them to my collection. 

And then there's these....They were originally $30 but I kept eyeing them and eyeing them until they finally went down to $10. To top it off I used my student ID and got an extra 10% off so they ended up being exactly $9.45. How sweet is that?

Have you spotted any great shoe deals lately? 

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