
Monday, January 9, 2012

Savin' Maven Monday: Black Girl On Ice...

Hello Lovelies...

I hope the first week of your new year was FUNtastical! Mine definitely started off with a bang!  This year my number one goal is to get back to doing the things that I love. These things include hanging out with my girlfriends, traveling, sightseeing, working out, and trying new activities. 

Activities like.....ICESKATING!!!

When my girlfriend told me that she had scored a sweet iceskating deal on Groupon, I was immediately like....WHEN and WHERE!!??

I haven't skated in ages so at first I was a little leary. But after about 15 minutes of skating around with the 'handicapped'-esque walker that all newbies use, I was on my own. 

Me being me, I had nooooo idea that it would be bone chilling cold in the rink so I am now trying to get over the heeby geebies.  

I mean really, why would I think that it would be anything other than freezing in there-it is an ICEskating rink.  GEEZ!

More details about the 'fit on Wednesday!!

So, for $9 and a 25 minute drive, I had a SHIT TON of fun!!  

I honestly believe that the adults had more fun than the kids!!!

Sorry about the pic quality-taken with SmartPhone

Did your New Year begin with a 'BANG'!?  Highlights please!!

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