
Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Kind Of Holiday: Black Friday Shopping

***This post is sponsored by Target but all opinions and views are my own***

One of my most favorite parts about the holidays is the shopping that goes along with it. I love gifting and I love giving.

This year's Black Friday was incredibly different because most stores actually opened up on Thursday, which was a complete bummer because those of us who are serious about our Black Friday shopping more than likely left our families early to be able to make it to our store of choice before the lines got too out of hand. 

I had my game plan figured out way in advance. I've been a loyal Target Black Friday shopper for the past 3 years now, this year being no different. 

I had my mind set on a brand new TV, which by visiting their Black Friday ad, I saw they were having a great doorbuster deal on. I even went so far as to map out my exact route once in the store so that I could be in and out and on to my next deal within a decent time frame.

Target Black Friday 2013 Ad Page 1

The store wasn't scheduled to open until 8PM on Thursday evening so I figured if I got in line by 5PM I would be fine. Seeing how Thanksgiving dinner began at 3PM, I couldn't fathom leaving my family any earlier than that. 

Being that I am in my 9th month of pregnancy, I made sure to take a lawn chair, blanket, and earmuffs that were able to hook up to my phone so that I could listen to my favorite music and be semi-comfortable while waiting in line. 

When I initially arrived in the parking lot I saw that there weren't many cars nor were there many people standing in line. Awesome!!! I'm gonna be able to get in and out of the store in no time-TV in tow!!!


About 30 minutes after waiting in the line, an associate came through to notify us that they had handed out all of the tickets for the TVs and that we should no longer waste our time in line because all 24 of them had been accounted for. 

Though I think it was very nice of her to notify us so that we wouldn't stand helplessly in line for hours, I'm very disappointed in Target for not having more of this advertised doorbuster in stock. I mean at least 50 would have been a more reasonable number. So now, not only am I frustrated with the fact that I lost out on valuable family time, I have to get my pregnant self up and search for another TV deal because unlike Walmart, Target did not offer an 'in stock guarantee'.

This Black Friday was a total bust for me-totally NOT #MyKindofHoliday.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Kind of Holiday: Thanksgiving Traditions

***This post is sponsored by Target but all opinions and views are my own***
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Target.

Hello and Happy Tuesday my loves!!

I hope all of you are off to a great start. I'm sitting at my desk with my feet propped up because as I approach my 9th month of pregnancy they're beginning to look like an opened can of Pillsbury biscuits. LOL

I'm also thinking of macaroni and cheese, daydreaming about candied yams, and craving for some of my Aunties homemade banana pudding in anticipation of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.
I just can't wait!!!
Every year is especially memorable but this year will be particularly different because all of my family will be oogling over my pregnant belly, how much food I have on my plate, and how many trips I make to the serving table-making sure to keep a running tally of the exact numbers so they can tease me about it later.
Thanksgiving is such a special holiday for my family. It's a yearly tradition of ours to begin planning our menu in October. Food + Family (definitely) = #MyKindOfHoliday!
I have a total of 4 aunts and uncles so each year they rotate hosting duties.
The women usually set the tables up really nicely-complete with pretty serving trays, napkins, and glasses-and the men....NOT SO MUCH!!!
They're usually more focused on the featured football game of the evening.
At some point during the evening, after eating of course, the men and women go their separate ways. The women hover over the Black Friday sales ads and contemplate their plan of attack while the men continue to hoop and holler over touchdowns and await their Black Friday shopping assignments.
This portion of the holiday is usually accompanied by some type of wine, spirit, and/or other spiked beverage. I'm madly jealous that I can't participate in this particular tradition and that I'm going to have to settle for nonalcoholic daiquiris and Shirley Temples this year!!!
Oh well, at least they're gorgeous to look at!
Besides, I would hate to drink too much and miss out on the slamming 'Doorbuster' deal that Target has on their 50" flat screen TVs this year.  I've been dreaming of this deal all season.
I would love to hear about some of the traditions that you and your family follow for Thanksgiving or any new ideas that you plan to incorporate this season.
I can't wait to hear from you.
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Pink Florals + New Hair...

Hello and Happy Thursday my loves!

I hope you all are off to a great start today. I'm actually off to a late start today due to meetings at work. I promise if I go to yet another meeting, I'm gonna pull these marley twists out of my head.

Oh, by the way, did you notice?

I have new hair (It's actually old now as these pics were taken weeks ago)!!!

As I get further along in my pregnancy I don't want to be worried with what to do with my hair so I figured these twists would be no fuss and extremely low maintenance.

There are so many different styles that I can try with them and they really make me want to consider locking my hair.


Just about as much as I love this pretty pink floral dress.

I found it on the clearance rack at my favorite spot, none other than my 'ole faithful Target!

I fell in love with it when it initially hit the rack but I refused to pay full price for it.

So like a true 'thrifty and shameless' bargain shopper I waited....and waited...and waited...

until I finally found it marked down for $7.48!!!

Major score!

And I adore how well it goes with my 26 week bump!!!

Dress-Target | Shoes-TJ Maxx

Perfect match!!

What do you all think???

I can't wait to hear from you.

And while you're visiting, make sure to enter my $25 Target gift card giveaway as there's only a few hours left to enter. The rules are simple and you can enter by clicking here.

Thanks so much for reading.
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Monday, November 11, 2013

Savin' Maven Monday: No Fire S'mores

Happy Monday my loves!!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is off to a great start today. My weekend was pretty productive; I was finally able to sit down with my family and get invitations made out for my upcoming baby shower-that literally took all night and I'm still not even finished yet.

Before I get into my post, I would like to give a special 'Thank You' to all of those who have served or are currently serving our country-your fight for our continued freedom is very much appreciated.

I had recently taken a huge break from blogging in order to focus on preparing for my lil man but blogging just wouldn't escape from my mind. Though my posts probably won't be as regular as they used to be, I still wanted to make sure that I dropped in every now and again if for no other reason than to keep my writing skills fresh.

So today, I'm bringing you a quick and easy recipe that I've been craving lately.

No Fire S'mores!!!

Now, I looovvveee s'mores, however, I don't have a fireplace nor am I much of a camper so I had to find the easiest way to create this delightful snack without the use of the aforementioned things. So here's what an economically resourceful gal uses to make s'mores at home.

(All of these things were purchased while couponing, by the way!!)

As you may have noticed from previous recipes, I don't do measurements. I just use the ingredients as my heart desires. Here, I poured into a small cereal bowl a decent amount of marshmallows, approximately a tablespoon (or larger) scoop of butter, and milk chocolate morsels. You would obviously use more or less of the ingredients depending on the serving size you desire.

Place bowl and ingredients in the microwave for about 40 seconds-stopping every 20 seconds to mix and stir.

The consistency of your mixture should look like this when fully nuked...

Add your desired amount of Golden Grahams and stir, making sure to evenly coat all of the cereal.

You can eat these warm or you can place them in the fridge and indulge later. 

Whatever you do though, don't leave them sitting on the counter!!!!

What do you think?

Are you all going to try this recipe in the near or distant future?

I can't wait to hear from you!! thing before I go. 

Don't forget to enter my $25 Target gift card giveaway going on right now until the end of the week. It's super easy to enter-just visit this post!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My Favorite Wedding Party + A $25 Target Gift Card Giveaway!!!

**This post is sponsored by Target but all opinions and views are my own**

Hello my loves!! I hope you all have been doing well. I know I haven't blogged in a month of Sundays (literally)but I've been busy being super duper pregnant. I couldn't however pass up on another opportunity to team up with my favorite retailer for Part II of their 'Be Yourself, Together' campaign.
Weddings seem to be taking over my social media time lines lately and I'm loving every second of it. I adore looking at the gorgeous gowns, the beautiful wedding parties, and of course the touch of creativity that each couple adds to their special day.
My absolute favorite part of these special gatherings, however, has to be the Honeymoon. During this time, the bride and groom get to enjoy each others company and bask in the glory of being newlyweds. As I was browsing through my local store the other day, I spotted some gorgeously sexy pieces from the Gilligan & O'Malley bridal collection that would make great gifts for any Bride-to-be and/or Groom-to-be for that matter.
Pair the aforementioned scrumptious pieces with the following items from Target's Wedding Catalog and you have satisfied the bride who loves to serve homemade, gourmet meals on fancy Threshold dinnerware...
Threshold™ 16-Piece Round Dinnerware Set - Black and Cream
as well as the groom who loves to mix up signature cocktails using his OXO Cocktail Shaker...

while waltzing around wrapped in Fieldcrest Luxury towels...
#TargetWedding offers such great gifts for both bride and groom. So if you're tying the knot in the upcoming future or even if you know a couple who will be, please make sure to sign up using Target's Wedding Registry for the best selection of bridal gifts and goodies.
And now for the best part of this post....
I'm giving away ONE $25 Target gift card to one of my lovely readers. 
All you need to do is visit the Target Wedding Catalog and tell me which product you would choose as the perfect gift for newlyweds to use during their honeymoon and leave a comment as to why the chosen product is your favorite. A winner will be chosen Friday, November 15, 2013.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck and Happy shopping!!
Thanks so much for continuing to visit!