
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How To Wear: Straight Leg Jeans

OMG....gals and pals!!!!

How the hell are you all? I hope each of you are doing well, being productive, and enjoying the beginning of your summer but mostly I hope that you haven't counted me out of the blogging world!!

I've missed blogging so much, however, I desperately needed a break-mentally, emotionally, physically, etc. I've had one helluva year at work, the honey has been plucking every nerve that I have left in my body, and my shop has been booming. There's just been so much going on in my personal life, that I've totally neglected my blogging life and for that I'm truly apologetic. One thing that has remained the same though is that I've still been taking photos, styling outfits, and reading up on fashion related news. 

One thing you may not know about me as a blogger, is that I love, love, looovvveee how to series. I don't post them much here on my own blog but I think they are intriguing, interesting, and fun. Because I covet them so much, I figured that it would only be right to return with some how to-style tips.  

I've heard so many women struggle with finding that perfect pair of jeans. Speaking for myself, it takes me forever to find the perfect pair-with only a few brands being able to bring out the best of my athletic build. Then when you find those jeans, what exactly should you do with them?

Which brings me to this....

How To Wear Jeans: Straight Leg
I began my series with this particular style of jean because I seem to have the most trouble styling these. They don't look particularly well when not cuffed and they only seem to be flattering with a certain type of shoe. I honestly don't like this style, however, I will purchase them for the right price!

I've found that the key to successfully wearing straight leg jeans is to make sure that they are cropped and/or cuffed above-strong emphasis on above the anklebone with colorful pumps or casual flats. Don't, I repeat, don't pair them with boots or sandals that cover the ankle. The key here is to show the ankle so as to create some sort of shape as this style of jeans is essentially formless.

I would love to hear about your experience(s) with straight leg denim. Please share any tips that you've found useful or helpful.

I can't wait to hear from you.
Thanks so much for sticking in here with me; you're much appreciated!

Stay tuned for Part 2 of the 'How to Wear Jeans' Series coming next week!


  1. I LOVE jeans and I pretty much wear them daily! Thanks for the tips! I love the one about cropping above the ankle bone and wearing with pumps. I too, think that is the best look and super chic! ;)

  2. Great tips! I never really thought about it before but I definitely like straight leg jeans, cuffed and with heels!
    Jeans and a Teacup

    1. A cuffed jean with heels is the greatest!!!

  3. These are actually my favorite style of jeans! I love being/feeling casual. Thanks for the styling tips!


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