
Monday, March 11, 2013

Savin' Maven Monday: DIY Jeweled Heels

Happy Monday my loves.

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend. Mine was actually very productive. I was able to post some new things in my boutique, Miss Rockwells Racks, as well as work on a DIY project that I've had saved in my Pinterest folder for a while.

 When I found these jeweled heels (originally pinned from Boss Chicks) I immediately died.

I knew I had to recreate. And that I did. 

Here's what I used to create my very own.

**Colored Pumps (on clearance for $9 from Target)
**Assorted Acrylic Jewels
**Glue Gun

That's it.

Let me first warn you that these pictures are crap with a capital C! I had to take them with my phone because my honey and I swapped the big boy camera for the weekend so he could get some filming done. 

Anyhow these are the jewels that I decided to use. 

There really was no rhyme or reason to that went into the design process here. I totally winged it and the shoes came out like so....

This was by far thee easiest DIY ever. 

Just pick out the jewels.Glue.And wait for them to dry.

I'm actually in love with how they turned out. These pics don't do the shoes any justice at all but you will most definitely get a better view of them when I style them. 

Pinterest is hella amazing for giving me so much inspiration. You should totally follow me.

And stay tuned for more super easy and frugal DIY projects.

Thanks for reading!


  1. WOW girl!!! You did a fabulous job with this. You say simple...for me, this might be hard! I'm so not the DIY girl :/

    7eventh Letter

  2. I love this DIY! Now I'm kicking myself for leaving those colored pumps on the shelf at Target...smh!

    1. I couldn't resist. They were such a great price!


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