
Monday, March 25, 2013

Savin' Maven Monday: Budget Style Tips

Happy Monday my loves!
I hope each of you had a very wonderful and productive weekend.
I was finally able to relax for a change-needless to say, I didn't post anything in the shop, I didn't do any fun DIY projects, and I didn't hang out with friends-just plain ole relaxation mode.
I really look forward to creating weekly DIY projects but this week I just didn't have the energy.
Since most of my readers look forward to my regular Monday posts, I figured I would fill this spot with 'Budget Style Tips' when I don't have a DIY project to post.
So here goes nothing....
This series will cover my shopping habits and tips, as well as answer shopping/style questions from you, my readers.
So get your questions ready and ask on! Go ahead, ask me anything.
Within this series, I'm also looking to feature some of my favorite budget fashionistas.
That means YOU!!!
If you have questions and/or you would just like to share your latest budget savvy OOTD, please feel free to email me at
I look forward to getting your questions and submissions.
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips, thanks for sharing! I just came across your blog and I'm your newest follower :) Would you mind checking out our blog and (if you like) following back via GFC and Bloglovin'? We also have a giveaway going on right now! xx


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