
Monday, February 25, 2013

Savin' Maven Monday: DIY Denim Patch T-Shirt

Hello and happy Monday my loves.

I hope each of you had a great and relaxing weekend. Mine was actually pretty productive. I was finally able to go thrifting on Friday and Saturday and lemme tell you-the thrifting Gods were definitely on my side. I found a ton of cute things that I will be sharing with you all very soon. I was also able to spend some much needed QT with the honey as well as work on a few DIY projects while viewing and commentating on the Academy Awards.

I just about died when I saw a post of this JCrew Patchwork sweatshirt pop up on my Twitter timeline. I knew instantly that I needed wanted to recreate it. So I went searching through my things for the perfect t-shirt to experiment on.

I ended up with one of my Old Navy tshirts that I purchased during a 2011 sweater clearance. I loved the shirt when I purchased it but for some odd reason, I just couldn't find anything to pair it with.  I felt like if I gave the shirt a little umph, I would be more likely to wear it so here we are.

Here's what I used for my project:

-old (or new) T-shirt
-permanent marker
-fabric shears
-fabric glue
-old denim scraps (from previous DIY)

That's it! You're ready to begin.

STEP 1: Use your ruler and permanent marker to sketch an initial (or whatever else you may decide) of your choice onto denim scraps. Make certain that the denim is turned inside when you sketch your initial. This proves to be helpful; so in case you mess up it will never be seen. Also, make sure to draw your initial backwards so that it will be right side up when you eventually glue it to your fabric.

STEP 2: Strategically place your cut initial onto the front of your tshirt. I chose an off centered placement.

STEP 3: Use fabric glue to adhere the initial to the tshirt. Allow 1-2 hours to dry.

This would've actually been the final step but since I've gone completely crazy over elbow patches here lately I figured I would spice the tee up even more with this simple addition.

STEP 4: Use a stencil (or freehand) to draw an oval shape on a double layer of denim scrap. Again, make sure that the denim in turned inside out while drawing.  

STEP 5: Cut the ovals out and use fabric glue to adhere them to the elbow portion of the tshirt.

That's it! Easy as pie and equally inexpensive.

 I actually can't wait to wear the shirt now.

What do you think of today's DIY?

I can't wait to hear from you.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Very cute!! I can't wait to see how it looks on you :-)

  2. Not sure if comment posted, but just wanted to say love this!

    Must try

    Pearls and Peacocks

    1. Thanks KJ. Lemme know how it turns out for you.

  3. Third times a try!!!

    Hopefully this one post. I'm logged on via phone.

    Any who, love this and I must try this.

    Pearls and Peacocks

  4. I am soooo trying this DIY!!!!! Thanks for sharing... Can't wait to see you wear it!


    1. It was so super easy. Can't wait to see yours!

  5. Great DIY! I have made elbow patches before but I have yet to try the Initial. Will give this a go soon. When will we get to see how you styled yours?

    1. Thank You so much. The initial was a fun addition. I will definitely try to style it sooner than later! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Great Post! Love the DIY!! Can't wait to see you to style it! :)


    1. I'm still thinking of what I want to pair it with. Thanks for stopping by.


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