
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Trendy Tuesday: Inaugural Style 2013

Happy Tuesday my loves!
I hope each of you had a great, looong weekend. Mine was very relaxing!
Usually for Trendy Tuesday, I highlight some of my favorite trends in fashion and style but I just could not let this day pass without acknowledging this wonderful trend that has been setting the world afire.
Yesterday's Inauguration Ceremony was one that will go down in history. I take so much pride in our First Family as they are one of great elegance, poise, and class. They exude strength and intelligence and they have a genuine concern for the well being of our country. I love their family structure, how much they adore their children, and each other. The way they look into each other's eyes just makes me swoon. They are a great example of love for all of America. And let's not mention our First Lady's style-I'll save that for another Trendy Tuesday post.

One of my favorite moments from the Inauguration was Beyonce's rendition of the National Anthem. Honay, when she snatched that earpiece from her ear I knew she was about to "provide life"!!!

What were some of your favorite moments from this years Inaugural Ceremony?
I can't wait to hear from you.
Thank You so much for reading.


  1. Beyonce's rendition of the anthem--as well as her gorgeous style (those emerald earrings!!!!)--were definite highlights for me.


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