
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

SMART Goals...

Happy Wednesday my loves!
Well today marks the second day into 2013!!!
While many are busy making resolutions, I am taking this opportunity to revisit and edit the goals that I made last year as well as create new ones that will keep me focused on what's important. And instead of just verbalizing them, I like to write them down for accountability purposes. When my honey and I discussed 2013 goals, he even suggested that we write them down together and make a contract so to speak, wherein we can be each others' accountability partners. Great idea babe!!!
A little important tidbit that I've learned from my job is that when setting goals you must make sure that they are SMART (who knew there were lessons to be learned at work)! 

Specific-goals must be specific enough to answer the 5 "W" questions
Measurable-set target dates to ensure you stay on task
Attainable-plan steps wisely so that you are able to carry out your goals
Realistic-set goals that you are willing and able to accomplish
Timely-time frames create a sense of urgency

With that being said I want to dive right into my 2013 goals...2013 Goals...
What do your 2013 goals look like?
I can't wait to hear from you!
Thanks for reading!
SIDENOTE: If you aren't following me on FB or Twitter, I would like to congratulate Maika from GLAM Life Blog for entering and winning my New Year's giveaway.


  1. Great list! I really like how positive it is and how well rounded it is so to speak.
    I need to organize my things for 2013!

    Doing goals with your man and holding eachother accountable I thought was a brilliant idea!

    1. I'm definitely trying to better organize some things this year!

  2. Happy New Year... I have hit the ground running with my goals. Staying on course is the key for me!!!!


    1. Happy New Year. I too have hit the ground running. Hoping I can keep up!

  3. This is a great idea! I enjoyed reading your goals. I will be sharing a few of mine soon on the blog!

  4. These are very goals. From the pics I've guessed that you live in/near Norfolk. I'm in Richmond, so do follow through with hosting an event in the Tidewater area. That'll give me a reason to visit my old stomping grounds...HU grad! #blmlove

    Andrea @

    1. YES to my fellow HU grad! I love that! Plans are already in the works for the events. I will be sure to keep you posted!


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