
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Trendy Tuesday: Cocktail Dresses

Happy Tuesday my loves!

I feel like I haven't posted in a month of Sundays; preparing for finals as well as work stuff has me just a tad bit overwhelmed. I will be glad when this week is behind me so I can get back to blogging-I feel like I'm so out of the loop!

Anyhow, as holiday season gets closer, many of us are gearing up and getting prepared for those infamous parties where we get to strut our stuff and wear our most adored cocktail dresses.

Thus far the honey and I only have one holiday party planned but trust that we will make it one to remember. I actually can't wait!

I'm thinking of wearing something along the lines of these...

Cocktail Dresses...

Cocktail Dresses... by sherockwell featuring a baby doll dress
Do you have plans to attend any holiday parties?
If so, what will you wear?
I can't wait to hear from you!
Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. All these dresses are so pretty! I especially love the top center one!


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