
Monday, August 27, 2012

Savin' Maven Monday: DIY Shoe Organization

Happy Monday my loves!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend. It rained a lot in my area so I was inside a majority of the weekend. That allowed me to catch up on the DIY project that I'm featuring today. I've been wanting to do this for some time now but I wanted to be sure that I had all of the required items before I got started. say that I am a shoe lover is a complete understatement. Sometimes I believe that shoes run my life. 

Well, maybe that's somewhat of an exaggeration.

 But I will honestly say that they run my wardrobe. I center most of my looks around my shoes. And obviously if you have a huge selection of clothes, then you pretty much need an equal amount of shoes to match, right!?

This is where you agree with me ladies!!


With that being said-I literally have shoes EH-VAH-RE-WHERE! What makes it so bad for me is that alot of the shoes that I've recently purchased have come without a box-especially the ones from Target. Target is good for selling a shoe without the box. 

This is when operation organization gets put into place. I originally got the idea to put my shoes in labeled boxes some time ago when I saw Kimora Lee Simmons' walk-in closet on some TV show. There is also a good example found here.

Enough of the small talk though. Let's get started.

Here's what you'll need. 

**stackable organizers (or your closet will do depending on the size)
**pictures of shoes
**storage containers
**tape (or glue-whichever you prefer)

STEP 1: Assemble your organizers. I found these organizers at Target sometime last year. When I saw that they had gone down to $3.50, I grabbed 4 of them. Now they have these same organizers for regular price this year. Once the back-to-school craze is over, they may go back on clearance so be on the lookout.

I used coupons and various sales to get the pictures of my shoes printed for FREE at Target. 

These shoe containers were purchased from the Dollar Tree, which by the way have begun accepting manufacturers coupons. I counted out exactly how many storage containers would fit on my shelves and I went from there. 

STEP 2-Place a picture of the corresponding shoe on the front of the storage container by using tape or glue. You may have to cut your picture a tad bit so that the edges don't hang off. 

That's it!

2 easy steps. 

Here's what one row looks like...

And here's what several rows look like...

(The bottom rows are empty because I realized that some of the shoes that I snapped pictures of were too  large to fit into the containers but that should be an easy fix.)

I love organized spaces.

How about you ladies?
Is this something you think you would try?

I can't wait to hear from you.
Thanks for reading.


  1. Agreed. When everything is organized I just feel better lol.

  2. i love this!!!!! i see you're from VA, which part, im from chesapeake!

  3. I need to do this. You should see my shoes all over the place...LOL

  4. I've always wanted to do this with my shoes!

  5. I keep my shoes in their original box and the little 1 inch picture plus name plus brand is enough for me to know what's in them. Would a 4th container fit across on your shelf? Right now it seems like there's some empty space that you could fit MORE SHOES.

  6. I was just thinking of something like this and now you have inspired me to actually do it! I love it and hopefully can score a good deal from Target. I just got a gift card from Bed, Bath and Beyond so that might just do the trick! #BLMGirl

  7. i'll be counting shoes and heading to Dollar Tree for storage boxes! i can't promise my stash will turn out as pretty as yours though.

  8. This is great! I've considered doing this for quite some time but haven't gotten around to it. It really looks so clean and organized. I love it!


  9. Great job! I need to take photos of my shoes too!

  10. Wonderful job! I have planned an entire weekend of organizing my house the weekend of the 29th, and trying to figure out what to do with my closet has been an issue!

  11. Awesome! Love this idea!! Most of my heels are on a shoe rack. I need a better way to display my boots. As or right now they are all stored in their box.


  12. This is awesome! I recently snagged a couple of under-bed storage boxes and tucked all my shoes out of site.

  13. Wow!! This is pretty fabulous!! I love it!! Thanks so much for sharing & for linking up to the "Organize It' party!!


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