
Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Favorites: Vol #20


Let me say it AGAIN!!


I'm so ready for the weekend-a long one at that.

This week has been really trying with class and work starting again. I'm going to try to use the strategy of scheduling my posts on Sunday evenings but we shall see how great that works.

Just one thing for this week's addition of Friday Favorites...


Little 'ole me received a blog award.

It's such an honor-well to me it is-to be recognized among my tiny circle of virtual friends so a huge THANK YOU goes out to LV from Food Fashion and Flow for nominating me for this lovely award.
Now, here's the fun part:


1. Nominate 15 bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.

2. Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated. 

3. Share 7 random facts about yourself. 

4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you. 

5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.

So here are my nominations, in no particular order:

Redheaded Daybook
Words and Wardrobes
This Vintage Grove
Thriftanista In the City
High Heels and Good Meals
Newly Loved
Chioma's Evolution of Style
Nic's Picks
Not Dressed As a Lamb

(now I have to figure out a way to let these lovely ladies know how much I love their blogs and that they've been nominated as a result of my undying love for them)


are 7 random facts about myself...


1. I'm a huge bookworm.
2. I graduated from a private college.
3. I write music-hip hop and R & B in particular.
4.  I visit Target at least twice a week.
5. I have an obsessive personality.
6. I'm extremely introverted but also extremely adventurous.
7. I have yet to attend a blogger conference/event!!!

That's it my loves. I can't wait to see what lovely blogs you gals nominate. That's at least 150 new blogger friends to visit if all of you nominate different people. I can't wait!!

Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks for reading...

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