
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

EBEW: Jolly Green...

Hello Lovelies.

I hope that each of you are having a more than amazing Tuesday. And I hope your weekend was even better. 

I was able to score some sweet deals on a few household items so that always makes for a good weekend. I will be sharing those things in a later post. 

Now...on to the realness.

I've been wearing green all weekend trying to find just the right 'fit to wear for this month's edition of Everybody Everywear. And this is what I came up with. 

A jolly mix of green and blue. 

I'm not to thrilled with how grainy the pics are...

Skinnies-F21/Shirt and Cardi-NY & Co.


Nor am I too thrilled with the flyaway piece of hair that kept creeping out...


You may see how Everybody,Everywear else is rocking their green by visiting here

Thanks so much for reading!!


  1. I have been really forgetful when it comes to EBEW for the last while! Meanwhile, crazy about those fabulous pants of yours!

  2. I love all the colours in this colour they look fabulous together.

  3. Thank You kindly!!

  4. The only reason I remember is because its usually the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Those pants were a great clearance buy a couple of years ago...I love the bold color!

  5. Love those heels and the earrings. They both make quiet the statement and are so much fun. - Katy

  6. Thank You! Those heels sure are a task to walk in though!!

  7. Thank You lady!

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