
Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Favorites...Vol #5

Hello loves!

All I can say is TGIF because tomorrow I get to see Kevin Hart with my girls. Talk about excited. My week hasn't been too thrilling but I do have just a couple of things that made me smile.

My shoe obsession

 It's really out of hand you guys. I have 50 pairs pictured below and that doesn't even put a dent in the actual amount. I just can't help myself. Especially when I get the $10 coupons in the mail for Kohl's-I head directly to the shoe department (the clearance rack to be exact). I have gotten 3 pair of shoes totally FREE of charge using those babies. So to justify my 'bad' habit, I will say that 95% of my shoes were purchased on clearance. 

How many pairs of shoes are in your closet?

Closet shelving. Makes me swoon!

My other obsession-clipping coupons! I even have them coming to me in the mail. #sheerridiculousness

Coupon clipping Wednesdays....

More Valentine's Day cards c/o CardStore and TinyPrints

Anthropologie catalogs...can I afford anything out of them? Hell to the no! Nevertheless, they're still nice to look at for inspiration.

What made you smile this week?
Do share!


  1. We don't get the awesome coupon deals in Canada that I always see in the states, I love watching extreme couponing because it's crazy the stuff people can get for practically nothing!

    I was given an antique chest this week so that definitely made me smile!

  2. Ohhhh free antiques....that would make any girl smile!!

  3. I swear I don't have the patience for couponing unless it for clothes and shoes!  I tried it and it was short lived, smh.

  4. It does take lots of patience but I assure you it's well worth it!!

  5. How do you get coupons in the mail? I am just starting to coupon! Do share! My email is Thanks


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