
Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Favorites...Vol #3

Happy Friday Lovelies...

As it stands, I am still experiencing technical difficulties but... that doesn't stop me from sharing with you some of my favorite moments of this week...all captured with my smart phone.

First on the list is this....


I love music

-lemme rephrase that-I love LIVE MUSIC!!

 Especially when it's Marsha!!!

The grand opening of Plato's Closet...there are several in my area already but this one is literally 5 minutes from my house. YAAASSSS!!!

Swag from Plato's....

I have a ridiculously dangerous obsession!!

And these things are for the tomboy in me!!!

My mother's homemade Yok!!!

Old couples...especially the ones that still hold hands. #SWOON!!!

This week's DIY manicure

Starting the weekend on Thursday...with wine and frozen beverages!!!

City scenery!!!

Cheers to the freakin' weekend!!!

What were some of your favorite things this week?

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