
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

EBEW: Sparkle On....

I'm learning now more than ever that some people just aren't worth your damn time! People will try to drain every ounce of happiness that you have so that you may wallow in their misery with them. Have you ever met anyone of these people? The ones that constantly have some kind of issue.... The ones with the 'Woe is me' attitude....The ones who just can't seem to get themselves together....


You see this smile on my face....

That's the smile of a person who has let go of it all...the baggage...the issues...and the people who have in some way or another, contributed to my sadness.

From this day forward, each one of these sparkles will represent happiness. My vow to shine despite adversity, despite trials and tribulations, and above all, despite those people who don't mean me any good.
 I refuse to let anyone else steal my 'sparkle'. 

Because then my face would look like this....

'Stolen Sparkle'

Now don't get it twisted, by no means am I looking down upon those who do have issues that they are dealing with-(I will never turn my back on a friend);nor am I forgetting that I have gone through hell and back myself-I'm just being more conscious of how I choose to deal with certain situations.  I refuse to continue to allow my issues to define me. That means that I refuse to let certain people or things predict how my days turn out, how my mood is, or how happy I may be at any given moment. When you depend on others to make you happy, they always disappoint. Therefore, you need to be happy with oneself first and foremost.

I am gearing up for the new year and I want to begin on the right foot-clear and free of all things that have had a stronghold on me for so long.  I have turned off my phone and don't plan to answer it until the new year. That gives me over two weeks to cleanse myself mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. If it is a dire emergency, you know how to contact me. 

Sparkle on, Bishes!!!

Clutch/Bolero-Express Romper-Thrifted Peep Toes-Ross

Sidenote: I'm ecstatic that this month's EBEW choice was sparkles and sequins. Perfect timing.

See how everyone else is sparkling today-visit EBEW.


  1. Beautiful look, you are gorgeous!

    Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks...I really wish that I could wear it every weekend!!

  3. SOOOOO cute love the jumpsuit, girl you are doin it!

  4. I appreciate your nice of you;-)

  5. What a cute jumpsuit!   I love how you paired it with the jacket.  The shoes are HOT!


  6. Well I truly thank you for visiting..will definitely return the favor

  7. Much thanks...and thank u for stopping by;-)

  8. Wow your romper is amazing (with you wearing it of course!) and I hear you on the downers.... No dice.

  9. You look fabulous Miss Rockwell!  I love the jumpsuit paired with that jacket.  The shoes and belt are hot too!

    New follower :-)


  10. Thats a cute jumpsuit.

  11. haha. Love your romper and of course your sparkly bolero. The clutch is also a very good combo, eh.

    Cathy@landau uniform 3224t

  12. Visiting from BDIB.  Love the jacket and jumpsuit combo and ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE name of your blog.  I am a thrifty girl too and shameless.  All my other thrifty bloggers though... where are all of you shopping at?  No-one is willing to give up their sources. *shakes head*  Well where ever it is, the selections seem to be really great. (-: 

  13. Niiiice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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