
Monday, December 26, 2011

Savin' Maven Monday: The Holiday Edition

Good day lovelies.  I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful holiday.

Mine was a tad bittersweet but I'm thankful for it nonetheless.

I know I'm posting hella late today but my Mother had me out in the mall early this morning to catch the 'after Christmas' sales. 

Anywho, I wanted to share with you a very special edition of 'Savin' Maven Monday'. This week, I present to you what I received from Santa's elves. Since I will be moving into a new home soon I decided that instead of asking for clothing this Christmas, I would ask for things that I could make use of at my new residence. 

Who needs a housewarming party with gifts like these?

4-pk. Stemless Wine Glasses
Cutlery Sets
Wolfgang Puck Swag
Toaster Oven/Crock Pot/Brownie Maker
I.CAN.NOT.WAIT to try and share some delicious new recipes. Santa and his elves were sooooo great to me this year. 

Ladies, tell me, what did your Christmas swag look like this year?


  1. Yes! I love the timeless gifts that can be used for years and years to come.

  2. Well, that certainly looks like a fun stack of presents.  One you'll be using all year long.  My favorite gift was a mahogany leather Names of God devotional Bible.  Something I will be using every day!


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