
Saturday, November 12, 2011

AND...I'm BACK!!!

Ok lovelies....I'M BAAAAACCCCCKKKKK!!!!

It's been a while since I've been on the blogging scene but there's definitely been alot going on with me.

I just needed a break to sort through some things but I promise that if I absolutely have to leave again I won't be gone for so long.

In dealing with life's curve balls, I've decided that I want to take the focus of my blog elsewhere-more on 'life' and less on fashion because after a long bout of contemplation I had to be totally honest with myself-I just don't feel up to dressing like a star each and everyday like some of you other divas. I don't run errands in 4 inch stilettos nor do I have the type of job where I can be casually chic and rock mini skirts with patterned tights everyday.  

I  would much rather talk about real things-relationships, sex, family, and friendship-not just what I choose to wear on any given day.

So take it or leave it and continue to visit if you shall. **I hope you continue to visit**


  1. just gets so redundant after a while..I just can't bring myself to dress up everyday...not anymore!

  2. I love REAL LIFE blogs!!! I blog about my life & if I dress up, I throw in an outfit pic. I'm like you, my life just doesn't call for great outfits each day. Some days it doesn't call for anything more than pj's


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