
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

FBFF: Just Throw It in the Bag...

I have an obsession...with shoes...with clothes...and with purses! I need the big ones too. The ones that you stuff all of your junk into and  then struggle when you get to the cash register at your favorite store to look for the loose change that has found it's way to the tiniest crack at the bottom of the purse. I like clutches too. However, they are oftentimes not big enough to fit everything that I would like them to. They definitely fall into the 'statement pieces' category. They are like an addition to your outfit and I definitely don't wear them as a regular outfit piece. I like to carry too much junk around-just in case I may need something. What about the vintage ones? I've never really been into Coach much but I love the hell out of a classic Dooney and Bourke. There's just something about them that's timeless. The new age ones are too fancy for me. Some things are just better with simplicity.

Marie-Eve over at APrettyNest asked to take a look into my bag on Friday. Actually a ton of us got together over here to share exactly what we had in our bags this weekend.

So here's my favorite vintage Dooney and Bourke

Thrifted Dooney and Bourke

And this is a general idea of what I carry in it

Just general stuff-comb, iPhone, the mini Crown Royal bag that doubles as a change purse, lotion, sanitizer, lip stuff (I love lip stuff), gum, petty cash, ID, fragrance oil, and my blog journal. I carry these items everywhere, no matter the size of the purse. These are my essentials.

What's your favorite type of bag?

And what do you carry in your bag?

You can link up and share 'what's in your bag' here.

Post Title from: Throw it in the Bag by Fabolous


  1. love those vintage style dooney & bourkes, totally classic!

  2. You have a gorgeous bag!!!


  3. Yes because I always come up with random ideas that will definitely be forgotten if not written down!

  4. LOL...I am loving the crown royal coin purse, reminds me of my dear granny.

  5. Hey I figured that it was too cute to be thrown away so why not put change in it!?


  6. Thank you much! It's one of my faves!!


  7. They arrreeee! And the colors are to die for!



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