
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dear Mama...You Are Appreciated...

So tell me why it's well into the evening and I have yet to see my Mother.....or my big Sister for that matter.

It IS Mother's Day right?

My younger cousin got married yesterday so those two left me all alone and went to North Carolina while little 'ole me had to work at my weekend job for the holiday. I'm beyond upset.... not only because I missed the wedding but also because I miss theeemmmm!!! Uggh. #soemotional

I got really cute stuff for them and I can't even give it to them. I feel like it won't mean as much tomorrow, will it?

I ordered them really cute cards from TinyPrints. They were giving out coupon codes for FREE Mother's Day cards so I ended up with 3-one for Mom, Sis, and G-Ma.

They arrived in cutesy packaging with elephants on the front. When I saw them I died because elephants are my FAVORITE!!! *swoon*

When I tore them open the cards were packaged in another envelope with 'To' and 'From' embossed on the front.

Here are my treasures:

My FREE TinyPrints Mother's Day cards

The quality is excellent-they were printed on a thick, matte cardstock. I love the fact that they're matte because that means there won't be random fingerprints left on the picture when you view the cards for the 100th time because they're so stinkin' cute. These were a huge come up for me-I had noooo idea what to get for these ladies because really, what do you get for a woman who has literally everything!?  They have thousands of templates to choose from and you can customize them by adding pictures and even inserting your own poems or sentimental thoughts. I will definitely be going back for more. Graduation and Father's Day are soon arriving and I'm sure they will be offering more FREE cards so be on the lookout. You can visit them here

I also made them picture collages with a bunch of family photos that I've been collecting over the months. (I'm always the one who annoyingly snaps pictures at all of our family functions)
I love giving gifts that have meaning behind them so I created this with all of the pics:

The pics are a bit small so you can't see them in detail but you get the hint. I was afraid about the clarity of the pictures because there are so many of them but in person they are crystal clear.  This is actually from Walgreens. They were also giving out coupon codes for FREE 8x10 photo collages. Put them suckas in a frame and I have wonderful gifts-ALL FOR FREE!!! 

What did you do for your special lady?

Here's my 'fit for the day. I attended a beautiful church service and I wore this:

This (thrifted) salmon dress is soon to be one of my faves. I actually linked this dress up to Shana's Thrifter's Anonymous segment over at ColorBlind. Shana is one of my all time favorite bloggers and she's a super duper thrifter. She hosts a party where you can link up your thrifted items and share them with the world. So that's what I did. Check it out here.

Dress-Vintage (Thrifted)/Shoes-Target/Purse-NY & Co (Thrifted)

It's soooo comfy and light. Annnnddd, it's vintage.
To make it even better, it was only 99 cents vintage. LOVES IT!!!
This dress is so beautiful by itself that I didn't do much in the way of accessorizing because I didn't want to take away from the detailing.

Gorgeous piping

I added some pearl bracelet and a wide cream belt, cinched it at the waist and BAM (making gestures similar to Emeril)!!! 

How did you ladies spend your Mother's Day?


  1. Thank you much. It's one of my favorite thrift store finds!


  2. Thanks for stopping by my little blog! The deals at my favorite little Arkansas thrift shop are great and negotiable. Oh and I love that pretty pink dress on you!

    xoxo Callie


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