
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

You Can't Be Scared When It Goes Down!!!

It's all about Wednesday!! One more day in the work week for me because I'm off of Friday! YESSSS!!! My plans consist of trying to get a hold of the monster that lives in my closet so that I can take him dooowwwnnn! Like seriously, I get disgusted everytime I open my closet door.  It's a shame that I have let my things pile up so much. I would take a pic to show you guys but honestly I'm embarrassed! Now that's BADD!
Anywho, the 'Word on the Street' for today is a movie that the BF and I watched called Case 39. I was a little hesitant about getting it because upon first glance I thought it would be just another cheesy thriller.  Turns out, I was actually intrigued and stayed awake throughout the whole movie.  With all of the twists and turns, it kept me engaged and I like that. This movie is centered around a social worker who fights to save a girl from her abusive parents. Being that I work directly with children (and believe me when I say that they have some horrifying issues) I thought that it would be something that I could relate to.  Let's just say that all children are NOT meant to be saved!!

My rating-8.5/10
 In other news, the 30 for 30 challenge is going pretty swell but I'm already tired of looking at the same items and I want to play with some of the other things in my closet. Despite it's purpose to save me money, I haven't saved a red hot dime but I'm gonna press on anyway. Here's my fit for today:

NY & Co from head to toe

Sorry about the lighting!

Yeah so these pics kinda suck but you get where I'm going with the outfit!  My eyes are beginning to feel really heavy and I still have studying to do so until we meet again...ciao! Thanks for reading!

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